Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

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Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

Post by daveo »

Hi all, I have about a 7 year old NVR and 7 analog cameras (as well as a new front door cam). All was working rather well until I looked this morning and the analog cameras all show a split screen, half is from "one of the cameras" (but not the correct one) and the other half is blank. The overall image is green for light and pink for dark (grey in between).
The doorbell cam is fine, as far as video goes.
I rebooted the system, it took a long time "initializing" and then came up with the same results.
I just tried to see how recording is going, and recording stopped in the wee hours of the morning (2ish) and nothing since then.
Would this suggest that the NVR is dead?
On a related note, a couple of cameras have been "offline" for part of the day at infrequent intervals, but not all at once.
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Re: Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the forum

Analog Cameras and NVR? Sure your not talking about a DVR with Analog cameras?

So here is something I would try it almost sounds like 1 of a few things but first thing I would try is Remove cameras from your Power supply for them so you only have 1 camera... Connect them all 1 at a time...

So for me is sounds like there is a Power issue seeing your whole system did this at the same time.. Had it been one camera last week or month and you just dealt with it and then another one happen this month I would guess it was Camera related in the IRC filter... For now it sounds like power supply wasn't able to flip the IRC back to normal area for day mode.. By removing all the cameras from the supply and adding them back 1 at a time will be good enough to power all the IRC to normal state however if you get to camera 5 and 6 won't flip back then remove another camera so you are going to connect 5 rather then 6 if you get my meaning...

Why this might do this? Well on a system that is older the Power supply can Dry up the Caps in side and make it so there is not enough power when needed for things to work well all the time... Say you have a 5amp plug in wall wort with a 8 splitter.. Over time that Caps dry and now rather then having the full 5amps it now only has the ability to give 3.5 or 4 and under normal use (Day time) cameras might only need 3.5amps or maybe less However all the cameras try and turn on the IR and Flip the IRC that reserve power is needed to make it over the hump... Caps Store power in them for when it is needed... LIke when you power on the Doorbell and it takes a long time to load that is because the power in the CAPS need to charge before it can start working it.. Then if you remove power you can push the button on the doorbell and even talk to someone on the other end for almost a minute after there is no power all because of the Power that is stored in the Cameras Super Caps...
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Re: Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

Post by daveo »

Thanks Revo, I'l try that when I get off from work. In the mean time, I suppose "Analog Camera" was a bit of brain drift and focus elsewhere. These are the BNC connector cameras with separate power wires running with the same cable. I have upgraded 4 of the 8 cables to heavier duty coax. I have two 4-pigtail power supplies, one with 3 cameras and one with 4 cameras. The 8th camera is, as mentioned, a doorbell camera which has independent power from the doorbell transformer. All 8 channels stopped recording at 2am local, although the doorbell cam continues to work. I can view it through "Amcrest Surveillance Pro" Live view.

I'll add more when I can test incremental adds to the power supplies for the 7 cameras, but I am not hopeful on that front since the power supplies are identical both sets showed this behavior at the same time.
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Re: Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hummm Very odd that 2 power supplies would cause this on all 7 cameras seeing they were not on the same one.. This brings me to a bad ICR and I find that hard to believe that it would do this all at the same time.. A camera here and there is one thing but all at the same time not so much...

So another thing to try.. If you have a New HDMI cable or D-Sub to a monitor for testing over the one you have.. It might be the cable has gone bad however in that case it would show on the doorbell as well..

I am not sure that you have it setup that way.. I have a few Recorders and one of my Amcrest DVR's or all of them do anyway have IP channels so if yours does I would guess that your Doorbell is connected to DVR IP channel? THen it would or should show all camera pink or what not...

SO here is something to try...

Log in to the WebUI for your DVR.. bring up your IE from Windows folder and go to the IP address for the DVR, Then put in the User and Password for the machine and see if the Pink is there as well.. If not then it is going to be a cable issue...

That is all I can think of for now..
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Re: Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

Post by daveo »

Last night I removed power from the 7 cameras and all of the channels have a line down the center. 4 of them have pink on the left and green on the right. The doorbell cam is fine. Note, I didn't bother plugging the 7 back in since the channel behaves similarly without them powered.

This is true on the HDMI connected monitor, Amcrest Surveillance Pro, IE, and the phone app.

To me, this suggests that the video processor for coax connections inside the DVR box is toast and the IP video is handled differently.

BTW, the time shows 1970-01-01 for the 7 cameras, regardless of if I set system time, and the correct date and time for the doorbell cam.
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Re: Recording stopped and analog cameras gone "pink"

Post by Revo2Maxx »

WOW sadly yes sounds like a Bad bad machine now.. Only leaves one last thing that I can think of!?

Have you tried to do a Factory Restore on the machine and see if that will correct the issue.. There are few and hardly any that have a Switch inside so I would first look at doing a Soft Reset by going to the (Main Menu, System, Default and on that page there could be a Button that says bottom left (Factory Reset))

I would try that and see if that helps

I know I have 2 machines that I have to do factory Reset every so often to make things work right for me sadly both of them are Discontinued machines so updates are from long ago... SO now only thing I can do when they start acting odd is do a reset...
Be Safe.
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