POE Camera No Longer Powering Up

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POE Camera No Longer Powering Up

Post by Thoughts4You »

I have a POE camera that worked for many years. It is powered by a 5-port POE switch. One day, this camera is no longer working (not getting power). The other POE cameras connected to the same switch are getting power and working just fine.

This is the test I've tried for the failed camera:

At the POE Switch
1. Tried a different port = No power
2. Tried a different ethernet cable = No power

Using a Power Adapter
1. When plugged into the original port at the POE wwitch = Power
2. When plugged into a different port at the POE switch = Power

Question: why did my once working POE camera (without use of a power adapter) now suddenly need a power adapter to power up? Any other test suggestions?

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Re: POE Camera No Longer Powering Up

Post by Revo2Maxx »

What model of camera is it? I personally over the last month repaired 2 cameras with kind of the same fault. One was a 858W, the other was 1053EW.

So personally I would double check your Cat Cable and make sure it is real Copper cable and not CCA. Main issue with CCA is things can go wrong over time or first off. Some is related to weather and other just age. Distance between POE switch and device can also play a roll along with Stormy weather.

So looking at the life stats of both cameras the age of life differs as well. One was only 857 days where the first one I repaired was almost 1400 days used.

One last thing. IF in your post your talking about there being access to the camera when you have it plugged into your Switch with a Power Adaptor connected then your system isn't as damaged as the ones I fixed yet. However there is something you should know. With it connected as you do right now in the fault that I am going to guess that it has it can cause damage to your Switch and or even burn out some wires that are close to the PCB and would need to replace the wire set seeing it can burn back past the Epoxy area of the camera wiring inlet. It can also cause your other connected devices to become unstable from your switch (if Managed) to try and make adjustments to cure the issue that the camera is causing.
Be Safe.
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