IVS Tripwire and Intrusion FTP Lettering

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IVS Tripwire and Intrusion FTP Lettering

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So Would be nice to know on my AI cameras and even the semi AI cameras what each picture is being sent to the FTP server. It seems right now there is R for Regular Events, M for motion and F if you request a image using CGI that is great and I am going to guess that is way old info been there for years. However with the likes of my 1046EW-AI that is a True AI camera when I get a Tripwire or Intrusion alert sent to the FTP server it is with M for motion however it is more valuable then a normal motion events and I would like to be able to scan my FTP server for good IVS events not have to look at all images to find one that was set off by a good event. I mean sure I could turn off Motion however M still shows up as IVS type in FTP and I would Love to have it show I or T or something better then just M..
Be Safe.
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