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Motion Detection Info

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:07 pm
by Nosferatu
Hello everyone! I am new to armcrest and have been looking into building a home security system for my home. Just had some questions regarding the motion detection.

How does the motion detection push notifications to my phone? Assuming I am using an NVR from Armcrest.

I would prefer to keep my camera system on a seprate Vlan without access to the internet, but I am unsure how the notifications get pushed out. Is there a software that you can setup on the NVR?

If anyone could help explain how this works that would be great, thank you!

Re: Motion Detection Info

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:16 pm
by Revo2Maxx
Hello and Welcome to the Forum..

So to be honest, I would look at buying a POE NVR.. This way all your cameras you can connect to the POE port of the NVR and keep the cameras hidden from the Local Area Network. Now the NVR will be connected to your Lan and have a IP address that can push out notices VIA P2P to your phone app and or to ASP if you happen to have a different area that you frequent with a desktop or laptop. Just keep in mind that it is still best not to use ASP or anything over a Free Wifi if they also have cameras as a way to keep your system more secure.. Mobile Data is one thing. No one is sharing your network over your mobile data link..

How this works. Well P2P is Peer to Peer and while there might be a Server in the middle to handle your ready NVR as a Place Holder there is no connection to the server once your phone app ask for a connection it is a place holder only.. Some other devices like Smart Home or App based *Cloud Based* systems do have your data in the servers. Normal IP cameras and DVR/NVRs from Amcrest are not that type of setup.. It is only a server that holds the NVRs place looking for a App from Amcrest that request that NVRs connection. That server says hello I have your device and here is your connection link, Once you connect it is your phone app and your NVR..

Where with another system that is cloud based or sever based. That camera or recorder connects to cloud based system. Your footage is feed though that cloud and your app connects to that server to get that data, There is no real connection of your 2 devices like there is with the Amcrest system..

Re: Motion Detection Info

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:20 pm
by Nosferatu
I see. Thanks for the reply.
I still worry because you still have to give network access to the NVR so that it can push out those notifications to the Amcrest P2P server.

I am starting to think that my best option might just be to run a windows machine with Blue Iris so that I can restrict all traffic and just VPN into my home server. Still have to work out some kinks there, and maybe I am just being paranoid but I value privacy.

Going to use a cisco POE switch, instead of an NVR to give me some more control as well.

Re: Motion Detection Info

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:06 pm
by Revo2Maxx
To be honest, Everything you could do with your BI for security you can also use for your NVR.. While I do have DVR/NVRs and BI along with many other things. For the fast and best setup there is nothing that beats the DVR/NVR route.

Then hate to say it, Anything that you setup with a 3rd party VPN or tunnel system has your Info in that 3rd party hands without you even knowing it. Where with a POE NVR, POE cameras connected to POE NVR or Switch and only connection to the Amcrest App is between your devices.. Sure there is a UUID that is made from the devices that sends out the the P2P server and that server is then looking for a pinger to the UUID, once that is found it says yes I have your device and passes the connection off.. The user and password is between the App and the Device nothing between..

yet if using something like NGROK or other system like that. There is so much info that needs to pass between the 3rd party product that it is really hard to know if user and passwords would be passed or logged as well.

POE NVR or Poe Switch, I own all 3, Sure I have older POE Switch and POE Plus Switch. Along with a few POE NVRs. What is more Secure? POE NVR.. The switch that is on your network even over a VLAN while is a great option it still open in different ways then a POE NVR that was designed specific for POE IP cameras. I mean sure my Amcrest 5232E-16P has a Bridge Mode where I can toggle that and use the ports on my NVR like a local switch of the Network where the Router of my network would handle the devices connected. But not many Amcrest NVRs have that option. I don't use that option either..

For me, If I was worried about Security of my IP cameras I would buy a POE NVR like 4116E-A2 or HS,, This has 8ch POE the other 8ch you can connect using normal local IP network.. Or the 5232E-16P that has 16Ch POE with another 16ch that would be connected using your local lan IP range.. Then the Devices that I am most worried about would be connected to the POE port of the NVR and would be one of the hardest to get access to and sure is 1 down fall of the POE type NVRs is access to the connected port cameras has to be though ASP, or WebUI of the NVR to gain WebUI access of the Port connected cameras..*Really good thing when security is issue* The rest of the cameras connect to normal Lan and easier to access if you had on a VLAN as long as the WebUI connected device was also part of the Vlan..

I know others don't feel the same. BI however cost more to run even if the software is less then the NVR to start with. Power to the computer for a computer with Min specs is much higher power bill yearly then a NVR. Plus the constant updates to windows and video drivers and running of virus protection so on and so on. 24/7 connected computer. Have to pay for Phone app if you wanted full meal deal. Sure I have the BI app not everyone does.. I don't even use it much to be honest. But have it when I want it..

Re: Motion Detection Info

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:17 pm
by Nosferatu
You make some very good points. I totally agree that going the NVR route will save me a lot of time and money.

I have been reading some other posts about suspicious outbound 'pingin' coming from cameras. However as we already mentioned, my cameras shouldn't ever see the internet. Here are were a couple of examples I found that made me nervous:
--- ... 0-s10.html ... 13904.html
However I did some more research and I don't think I fully understood P2P connections before. It seem's safer than I initially thought.
My only other question would be how good is the amcrest app honestly? You mentioned you also use BI. I would like to receive motion detection alerts as soon as they happen and be able to check on the video feed quickly. Do you prefer the Amcrest, BI, or some other app for the smartphone?

Thanks for your write up's so far btw, very helpful.

Re: Motion Detection Info

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:12 am
by Revo2Maxx
Well with the app as long as your not using ATT, not all connection on ATT seem bad however there has been some issues lately. With AVP and push using image as type my alerts come in before the event is even over, like in case of car going by I get alert before off screen. If however you setup as video for your alert the event and recorded data would need to end. So image or live view then very fast.