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rtsp no longer working

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:14 pm
by dahai8
I have two Amcrest IP2M-841B-V3 cameras. Both are set up identically, with the same latest firmware (V2.800.0000000.15.R, Build Date: 2021-07-16) and both work via their web interface with their IP addresses:

Up to about a week ago, the both worked via rtsp over the Android App TinyCam Pro. Now camera B no longer streams through that app. I get a Connection Timeout.

I have tried contacting the TinyCam Pro Author, but have not received any response.

I have tried rebooting the Camera B as well as changing the rtsp port, but neither worked.

Has someone had a similar issue and know how to fix?

I will look for a different rtsp streaming app to ensure its not a TinyCam issue in the mean-time.


Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:23 pm
by dahai8
Update: Downloaded Onvier from the Play Store and it can connect to Camera A, but cannot connect to Camera B.
So it does appear to be an issue with Camera B.

Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:33 pm
by Revo2Maxx
Just an Idea, Do a Factory Reset and use a different IP address then the one you have used now for B and see if that helps any..

Outside of that there is no Promise of Use of any CCTV camera from any Manufacture to work with any or all 3rd Party Software or Devices. While for the most part Amcrest has better track record of the Devices working on 3rd party platforms however it is widely known the ONVIF isn't uniform.

I would say a Reset could cure the issue.

Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:39 pm
by dahai8
May be a couple of days before I can do a Factory Reset. It's wireless and remote. So I'll have to get someone on site.
I'll post an update then.

Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:03 pm
by dahai8
I did a factory reset and its now plugged in via Ethernet

Now I get "Connection Refused"
I used nmap to find its new IP address (, but when I try to access it with the browser I get "Connection Refused"


Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:40 pm
by dahai8
P.S. I also tried the reset button on the back (held it down for 20 seconds). Light turns yellow, then red, then move the head, then turns green. But still no response via the web page.

Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:50 pm
by Revo2Maxx
It is hard to say. I am going to guess that your IP that you found using NMAP isn't a good IP. I mean it might be one that was reserved however it isn't the right ip for use at this time..

So what I would do is access the router and look at the table of IP's looking for 9C Mac address. It might also say the name 1190W.. Anyway once you find a good IP I would try again.

Most times IP Cameras or Devices with Connection Refused is because the device might be using a odd PORT and the standard port 80 is being refused for that IP.. Like some of mine I have setup for port 888 and if I forget and do just the Ip I will get that message or if I choose 88 rather then 888..

if using windows 10, Press windows key and R together, then type cmd, then type at the command prompt arp -a or arp -g and it will list all your ip address..

Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:59 pm
by dahai8
Here's the nmap output:

Code: Select all

Nmap scan report for AMC057F5_F9CC03 (
Host is up (0.00018s latency).
MAC Address: 9C:8E:CD:38:FA:20 (Amcrest Technologies)
I tried ports 80, 88, 8080 and 443 (with and without https:// prefix)

I'll see if I can access the remote router to check the ip address tables.


Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:13 pm
by Revo2Maxx
Well RTSP port is 554

where TCP normal webui is IP of the camera. However if your working remote then you might have had it setup with a Remote Port like 37778 or something other then 80.

Not sure if your trying Remote connection or local connection and if your using VPN or some other tunnel service. It might be that your IP it was setup on before is what your Router is setup for access to the camera and because now it is no longer the other IP it is refused by the router or firewall if you have one in place..

Re: rtsp no longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:53 pm
by dahai8
I was just trying to access its web page at this point.

Update: It was an IP address conflict and I got that resolved. I can access its web page now and changed the admin password as required.

But I still can't access it via rtsp...