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Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:18 am
by bigtree
Does anyone know how to slow the IP2M-841B PTZ camera down. I can slow it down on the web app in windows from speeds of 1-8. But how in the world do I slow the speed down using the latest version of amcrest pro app on android?
Thanks for any help!!!

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:50 am
by Revo2Maxx
I don't see any speed on the App... I can tell you that when it is for what ever reason slow on the app it makes me mad so I am happy the way it is. Well not really because it is over shooting fast... However I setup Presets and I only now use them on the App when I want to move the camera...

Are you using the 2019 FW or the older one?

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:32 pm
by jimpastos
I have the exact problem with on iOS.
I have two 841 cameras, one with the new firmware V2.420.AC00.18.R onvif 16.12(V2.4.1.513183) and one with older 2.520.AC00.18.R onvif 2.42(V2.2.2.428697)

The camera with the new firmware is slower and PTZ on mobile is a pain. A slight swipe/tap and it goes too far or gets stuck going until end is reached (far left/right or top/bottom).

The one with the older firmware works perfectly. Small swipe moves smoothly and much more responsive. Once i saw this behavior on the new firmware i didn't update my second one (nor any of my newer higher res ones) and I keep checking to see if any further updates resolve these issues.

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:28 pm
by Revo2Maxx
Well funny thing is there is some interesting issues with the 841 for sure.. I have a few and until a few days ago I only had 1 with the new FW on it.. However it started out with some strange masking issues or what ever they call the Name area.. On the New and only the NEW it said IPC and on top it had the name of the camera that happened after a Weekly reboot.. So I logged in the camera turned off the name I have, then saved and logged out. Logged back in put the name back in saved and was the same way... Geez I rebooted my whole house, Computer, Router, servers, Switches, the camera for sure... nothing all the same So I was like ok Factory reset the Camera. Then had issues of it being SLOW. Even more so then it was after the reboot. To the tune of about 10 min lagging lol... So I updated FW on a second one and wanted to see if the issue would come back on it.. LOL no it has a different ones.. Strange thing is The PTZ of it is smooth and Don't run away like the NEWER one.. and I am starting to think I know some of the issues.... This is only a Guess But seems strange that the new one has Run away issues the old 2015 one don't...

Then there are some issues even more to boot... Sound from what I read there is no 2 way and for most part seems to be true however on the older camera the 2 way still works off the App? I swore I read that the Mic was turned off? Maybe I am confused? However the newer one from 2018 2 way don't work lol Position on Chrome don't work but on my DVR CVI amcrest system it is called Sit and does work on the 2018 unit I don't know about the 2015 because it is on a different DVR and by another brand and isn't called Sit or Position it is called Auto and does make my Camera pan to the right lol...

Then looking at my 2016 camera over IE and over Sea Monkey the Position key works just like the SIT does on my CVI Dvr... So it is something Taken from Chromes ability to run the command kind of IRKS me lol... Oh well it is what it is and I learn to deal with things...

About new FW release there is loads of cameras and while I am not sure I think they are doing some updates of others and will do a new FW i am going to guess maybe by Feb or March If I look back at FW from the past that is my guess I hope it is faster then that but we will see...

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:25 pm
by jimpastos
Seems we won't be getting any fixes for this.
The newer firmware on 841 is slower (takes ages to load when all my other cameras load) and PTZ is impossible via mobile.

Has anyone tried to downgrade successfully? I see all these "Don't downgrade it will break your camera" messages but not seeing any solid reasons.

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:50 pm
by Revo2Maxx
Well you can DG to an older JS file.. There are now 2 FW for the 841 in 2019 both being 2.420 just different build dates... However outside of the JS then no don't want to DG as it may brick your camera or make it so all options don't function at all... I now have 2 on the 2.520 and 2 on the 2.420 one on Aug and one on Dec version of the FW. No don't know what the NEW offers outside the older JS one Sadly I updated an OLDER 2015 unit that had only V1 software from 2015 on it the First Release and then it has had both JS 8-2019 and now loaded with 12-2019 FW and under both it has worked better then a V2 camera 841 that was released in 2018 but got new with new FW on it loaded... The one from 2015 strangely worked better with the new 8-2019 then the one I got that had it loaded on it. So Now I guess I have to make the change to the new 2018 camera to know if the Odd issues are away or not. I just wanted to run it on one for a little time to test it out before I made all them the same... It works well. Audio is good. PT is still kind of crazy. Don't go back to where it was on a restart it loaded 2 times all the way to the left and one time pointing straight down... So I don't know really how I feel about it..

Reason not to is because they are different software types Last being Javescript and thing going back to old way software was written different and camera will not understand old software after JS update maybe not all items but some items and said it is hard on camera to try to go back as well

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:50 am
by jimpastos
Isn't there a way to escalate this. I can't imagine no one bothering to just test PT (unless my camera is bad, but it worked fine before the update)

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:56 am
by JamieLanger
If it helps, has speed modifiers for each of the PTZ functions. I know some cameras (Like AXIS but believe Sony might as well) have a toggle to slow down the camera movement automatically based on the zoom level (proportional control I think it is labeled)

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 6:12 pm
by jack7
You could try the android ONVIFER Pro app. It handles PTZ operations quite well for me on my Amcrest PTZ (not a 841). It also allows PTZ sensitivity adjustments, although I've never had to use it.

Re: Android app PTZ Speed Help Please!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:52 pm
by dobbs421
Same issue after FW update. Fixed my issue by resting to default and manually re-configuring all 16 cameras then updating FW again. Loading is faster and PTZ in apps is stable now. Hope this helps.