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PTZ moved on its own

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:51 pm
by tjsand2002
I went on vacation and was out of cellular service so I could not monitor my PTZ camera. When I returned I saw it was turned completely to the side. When I reviewed my NVR I find the last spot where it is in position and recording fine and then there is approx a 1 min lapse in recording and when it resumes it is turned completely to the side. Is there an explanation as to how this could occur?

Re: PTZ moved on its own

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:16 am
by Revo2Maxx
Hello, I am not sure of your PTZ model and I am going to toss out a Guess here...

Seeing you PTZ didn't return home I am going to assume that you don't have any PRESETS setup... Most PTZ are setup to have what is called a Guard Position and it can return there after a Set time with no action/input from user. So it could be that your PTZ reset on a Normal day you have it setup to reset and it didn't go back to your normal location. This might be where the North is set if so set...

I know with my PTZ after no action for 1 min it returns to Guard aka Preset 1


Re: PTZ moved on its own

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:57 am
by JVRx77
Another option is to check the cam's log file for login's... if there's one that's unaccounted for, perhaps a more secure password is needed...
