GMAIL App on IOS no longer Notifying

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GMAIL App on IOS no longer Notifying

Post by smokethisgt »

Just a heads up for anyone out there who have their notifications being sent to a Gmail service. In the most recent IOS update (10.3.2) something change with either the Gmail App, or IOS itself. Many have their notifications setup to send from your Gmail account to the same account, therefore generating a notification and alert.

Now, you still receive the email but NO notification. I have created several different posts on Gmail's forums but nothing as of yet.

I have:
uninstalled/reinstalled the gmail app.
remove my address from the app and re-added.
verified I am running the most up to date version of the gmail app.
Double checked my notification settings.

For now, i've had to go into my Amcrest NVR and flag the sender as a different email. This works, and I get notifications, however the gmail app now GROUPS all of these as conversations and it's a pain in the you know what...

I will keep you all posted if anything changes.
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