App reverts to CH1 when phone orientation is rotated

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Re: App reverts to CH1 when phone orientation is rotated

Post by Revo2Maxx »

You won't like my Answer! LOL.

In short, There is a known bug within the Pixel phones where the Rotate isn't working (Google issue not Amcrest issue) my guess and only a guess is in order to get the rotate to work within an app they have to refresh the app as if it was just started up. Now there are others ways of doing that where it would have kept the camera in view however my guess is that it was tried that way and didn't work so they had to do it as if it was closed and re-opened.. Please understand this would be almost seamless and more then likely would not even notice other then it being on the wrong camera..

How I came to my conclusion? The only way the view would ever go back to ch1 or First camera is a stack is if the App is Closed and re-opened, because if you just put the app in the background and open the app back up it will be at the last camera you were looking at. However if the app is closed out and not in the background but closed the next time the app opens it starts in Ch1 or at the first choose camera in your listing for devices.
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Re: App reverts to CH1 when phone orientation is rotated

Post by MarkinGA »

Funny you should mention all that because I kept noticing the little "Open Last Camera" ballon popping up every time I would rotate my phone wondering why does it keep doing that?! Thanks for your help. I'll try V2 for awhile and see if its usable for me. Like the reviewers all claimed, has Amcrest given up on V2 for updates?
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Re: App reverts to CH1 when phone orientation is rotated

Post by Revo2Maxx »

I can't answer for others.

I will admit that the V2 gives me errors about not enough memory. WHAT? I mean how much does it take to run a single screen lol I mean I don't always get it but it pops up for no reason. I get it when I run all formats.

Funny thing is I will get the message for most all other formats other then running in 4ch mode. So in a 16ch 4216E-AI NVR it will load all channels and then I get the message in all other modes as well beside 4ch mode. in that mode it will work for a little white and then it will give that message like it is trying to make me refresh the screen view or something. Even in 1ch mode with 2mp camera I get the message about Memory right after the page loads. 4 grid view it loads 2 8mp cameras and 2 4mp cameras without an issue with Memory.. So yeah kind of odd but thought it could be a way to access and rotate without problems.
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