New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

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New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by paws1136 »


I'm not much of a forum guy, but I've had no luck with Amcrest support with my issues (most likely a me problem...) and I thought this would be a good place to try to fix my setup.

Background: I work at a small business in Colorado and I've been using Amcrest cameras for about 10 years. I started with a couple of IPM-721B cameras to keep an eye on the showroom floor. Demand was very simple, so the remote access and motion recording did everything I needed. When the business expanded and moved to a larger location, I added a couple more cameras indoors and a few of the IP2M-841B and IP3M-943W cameras outside. I have 8 cameras total now, and recently added a NV4108-A2 with a 1TB hard drive to have more consistent recordings.

This is where everything started to fall apart. At any given time, about 5 of the cameras stay connected to the NVR, as well as the Surveillance Pro Software. The errors SP gives me change all the time as well. They'll say "Offline", then switch to "Offline - Cannot find Network Host", then randomly to "Offline - Max Connections". All three camera models will do it.

After speaking with support several times, the only suggestion was to reset everything. After doing that to all of the cameras, the issue remains unchanged. I have tried connecting the cameras to the software via both IP and P2P and no differences. All devices are set on static IP's, and I changed the maximum number of connections to 20, even though there's rarely more than one accessing the camera at any given time.

Now it gets even more confusing. Every single device comes up on the Amcrest IP Config Tool, and every single one can be logged into on a browser. When I log in, they all show strong WiFi signal, good camera feed, and plenty of motion recordings. This is the case even when the NVR and SP say the cameras are offline.

Normally, I like a good challenge... Unfortunately someone stole a bunch of hardware from the front of the building a few nights ago, and the camera pointing directly at where the crime occurred was "Offline" according to the NVR. Annoyingly, it doesn't look like it tripped the motion record either, I spent a bunch of time logged into the camera trying to find it but only got cars going by in the background.

My apologies for a lengthy first post, any help will be greatly appreciated!
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the Forum.

Sorry to hear about the issues, My guess is that seeing you said you had your system running before without a NVR, that you might be still using Micro SD as well. I mean I still use dual Recording and sometimes even more for my cameras that I feel I need more data for.. Best bet would be to use the cameras Micro SD to find the issue at hand..

Keep in mind that at times things can get messed up from different connections. ASP, AVP and cameras connected to DVR/NVR..

So when it is setup in a Business I find it important that there is 1 main user for the system and that there isn't anyone with special features. I don't know the A2, I have many older NVR's and even the First Gen Amcrest AI NVR and DVR the 4216E-AI and 7108-AI recorders. When it comes to the A2 it is the 41xx model and has been be in use for many years. I know the A2 is the newest line of the 41xx model and there might be some bugs.
With all that said...
However if I had to guess I think one mistake that a lot of people make is that there is a feature that is in the newer systems like the HS and A2 that some people might by mistake use and that is Checking the box to Auto h.265. While it does work with cameras that are good at using H.265 that isn't a good idea to CHECK IT.. That feature should be unchecked and only use H.265 after knowing that the camera will work at all times using that mode..

For me I would double check that your NVR and cameras are working as expected in the right format of Encoding..

So for all the cameras you mention I would use them all in H.264H format.. I mean I have a v3 841 that can work in h.265 however my NVR isn't very nice that I use it with my 4108E-HS, so I have my 841v3 setup to h.264 because it dont' have the option for h.264h for that camera..

For that NVR only one that works well in H.265 is my ASH47 all others I have different encoding.. I also would leave Smart Codec turned off..

So here is the problem from what I see in your post.. You mention that you Reset all the cameras back to factory. However there is an issue when it comes to doing this while connecting it to your NVR.. THe NVR will retain the settings and change them back to something that isn't' working within the camera itself. One of them being if the NVR is setup for Auto H.265... So personally what I would do is remove them from the NVR.. Do a factory Reset on the NVR and don't use the AUTO ADD in feature that pops up when you setup the NVR.. I would then Reset the Cameras back to Factory and then add them back 1 at a time..

Also one more thing, Right now what ever special you have added to your password like !#$%&*() so on. What ever one you are using. Don't use it in your new password use a different one.. For testing us + I don't use it anymore but for testing I do in the password and I don't have an issue while using a + and see if maybe the issue if related to your password...
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by Pogo »

Aside from everything in the previous post, another aspect may have initially contributed to all the hoops you've been jumping through..., and that's the inherent limitation of the computer and connection you're using to access the 4108.

Lack of processing power and low bandwidth can cause the error messages you originally experienced and can obviously lead in many directions while not considering what and how you are using to connect to the NVR. While Wi-Fi may look good signal-wise, it may also be trashed up by interference or someone else's infringing signal on the same channel. Combine that with a computer lacking the horsepower to process what the NVR is throwing at it along with whatever else it may be tasked with and you can very well experience the conditions you are describing.

I'm not saying that's the case, but it's worth investigating from scratch; one camera at a time after getting everything back to factory and starting over as suggested. If all cameras are known up and running as confirmed via AVP or the IP Config tool, disconnect all of them and access the 4108 with whatever computer you're using to manage the system and fire up one camera at a time to see where there may be a break point. My guess is just a few cameras will start dragging things down if shortcomings with whatever terminal system (and/or network) are what you are actually experiencing.
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by paws1136 »

Thank you both for the replies!!

@Pogo, I think you may be on to something with bandwidth. My computer has plenty of power to do the job, but I am currently running with the stock modem/router from Comcast. The NVR is hardwired, but all the cameras are WiFi. Most of my devices on the network work fine. That said, there are a lot of devices on it. I have a couple of computers in my workshop that I've noticed have strong signal, but will randomly drop the bandwidth to almost nothing. It's possible the cameras are randomly fluctuating as well. The only reason I keep steering away from this is that in my brain, if I can type the camera's IP into a browser and everything comes up fine, the NVR should be able to connect as well... The only thing that still gets me is why they come up with the "Offline - Max Connection" error.

I actually just bought a mesh router to help with the bandwidth, but I haven't set it up yet. What I'm thinking is that I'll factory reset everything again including the NVR, hook it all up through the new router, and take @Revo2Maxx's suggestion and set everything to H.246H.

Let me know if you have any other tricks up your sleeves, I'll keep you posted on how it's going. Thanks again!
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by Revo2Maxx »

If your router is new (The Mesh One) I would take it back and get one that isn't mesh when it comes to working well with IP cameras and a CCTV system. There is loads of people that say they work just fine with Mesh systems. However if you were to do a search on Google and on Amcrest Forum there are more issues with Mesh Routers then there are people that report they work just fine..

About the issue with Max Connection Error, That sounds like someone has changed the settings in the camera to try and lower the amount of people that can log in. Issue with doing this is not taking into the account of ASP, AVP WebUI and the recorder. So if changed from lets say the 841 that is setup with 10 enabled by default. I would leave with 10. Changing this to what you think would be a good number to keep other out will make it so this message will come up and at a point when you need the access for something currently going on. Keep in mind that if you use ASP or others use it, If that camera is in use on the system even with the person away from the PC, if they didn't close the connection that will still be one used up, Then the camera while talking with the NVR can take no less then 1 however I have found at times it could be 2 if a user is looking at the camera currently while on GUI or even a WebUI connection. So if you are still using the 10 that it is setup factory with then sounds like you will want to add more. Most of the cameras come with the ability to change to 20 max. So if you are having that message with 10 already I would make it 12 and see if that message goes away..
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by Pogo »

The error message is generated by the NVR firmware indicating the connection request can't be honored. (Their choice of words for various messages leaves much to be desired regarding clarity of meaning!) LOL

Sounds like the Wi-Fi is certainly worth investigating. I'm not sure how a mesh system will play with your physical environment. May be cool, maybe not. My personal preference for the Wi-Fi cameras on my network (I use several) is to use a dedicated Wi-Fi router as a bridge or access point on its own Wi-Fi channel exclusive to the cameras. Similar to a mesh setup, but more specific control and flexibility available to change parameters and configurations if or when necessary and not brand dependent for interoperability with additional Wi-Fi devices.

By all means keep us posted. Good luck!
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by Pogo »

I see great minds think alike! (Hi, Revo.)
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Re: New Member - Troubleshooting a camera setup

Post by Revo2Maxx »

One last thing, If it is caused by the NVR also same issue with Max connection being changed. LIke on my 4108E-HS, from factory is setup with 128 connections enabled. It might be an issue in the NVR and not the camera.. This also might be that you have setup your camera Bit Rate to high, Most of my connections are setup for lower FPS and Bit Rate. Bit rate I have setup on 90% or ore at 4096, Some that are using H.265 I have them setup at 2048 and FPS for main I reduce from 30 to 22 and on my Sub Stream I setup at 1024 and 18fps on all formats.. On cameras that don't support them numbers like my 8mp cameras then I leave them at the cameras max fps but change the bit to 4096 or the 2048 if it supports the h.265 well..

Hello Pogo Nice to see you helping. Be Safe..
Be Safe.
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