Setting up FTP - FTP server test failure, user read only right

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Re: Setting up FTP - FTP server test failure, user read only right

Post by Revo2Maxx »

@usamahateeq Hello and Welcome to the Forum

Sadly it hard to say what Dahua cameras support. Sadly some of the things in the Hardware and software from Amcrest and Dahua are different and while most might be the same they would have some Ports that are open that Amcrest has had closed

I have a Dahua Camera and found it was kind of open in more areas then I care to leave open in my network and as such I will again block its IP from my Internet connection but opened it for this test.

Scanning [1000 ports]
Discovered open port 554/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 5000/tcp on
Discovered open port 49152/tcp on
Discovered open port 3800/tcp on

80/tcp open http Dahua webcam httpd
554/tcp open rtsp Lorex IP camera rtspd
|_rtsp-methods: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
3800/tcp open pwgpsi?
5000/tcp open upnp?
49152/tcp open upnp
5353/udp open mdns DNS-based service discovery
623/udp open|filtered asf-rmcp
2967/udp open|filtered symantec-av
3702/udp open|filtered ws-discovery
5050/udp open|filtered mmcc

| dns-service-discovery:
| 80/tcp psia
| Address=
| 80/tcp http
| host=X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X* <Was my Cameras SN so I removed it>
|_ Address=

8181/udp open|filtered unknown
17331/udp open|filtered unknown
20525/udp open|filtered unknown
20717/udp open|filtered unknown
27015/udp open|filtered halflife
34578/udp open|filtered unknown
36669/udp open|filtered unknown
44253/udp open|filtered unknown
49306/udp open|filtered unknown
59207/udp open|filtered unknown
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Re: Setting up FTP - FTP server test failure, user read only right

Post by castlesbob »

First of all can anyone explain to me what the error messages "user read only right" and "list right loss" are supposed to mean?

The problem I was having had to do with the path to the storage location. When you log on to another PC, linux at least, by default opens the connection as: "/home/username". In my case the IP of the FTP server is so when my user logs on to it, it opens "/". The camera constructs the first part from the info given to it and apparently is only expecting the "directory" part in the "Remote Directory" field in the storage setup. So, in my case, the directory name is "amcrest" and so that's all that goes into the "Remote Directory" field.
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Re: Setting up FTP - FTP server test failure, user read only right

Post by Revo2Maxx »

That sounds like the FTP server isn't setup for the path that you have asked the server to provide for the camera. You might need to look at the FTP server or the folder where you want your FTP path to put your files. Then give it permission to use that path. From what it sounds like it is Read only setup for right now.

The user should have access to full FTP server path. I don't FTP to Linux anymore and only use a Windows machine now. For me it is easier to setup for all my devices one a user and path has been setup for in my case amcrest, all sub directory in that folder on my FTP box that user keeps all rights for everything down to the amcrest main folder directory.

My video card went out on my Linux machine so I can't test it right now for knowing 100% of what is going on.
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Re: Setting up FTP - FTP server test failure, user read only right

Post by castlesbob »

I was intending to give an explanation for how to avoid the problem. Doing as I suggest does that. Is there an attempt to explain the error messages
in there somewhere? It sort of looks like it but if so, please try again because I don't understand.

Thanks, Bob Castles
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Re: Setting up FTP - FTP server test failure, user read only right

Post by bob7123 »

Hey I got it to work!

So I thought I'd share my experience here, as I too was very frustrated for a long time with this.

First, download and install Wireshark to see packets on your network.

Once it is running, select your computer’s Ethernet card, and in the “Capture filter for selected Ethernet cards” type “port 21” [no quotes] and click start.

Then follow this video posted earlier:

When you get to the part which tells you to test, and on your camera says failure, keep going; it is a SPURIOUS error.

You will know this because Wireshark will capture the test, which you can examine by right clicking on any packet in the top window, and on the menu that pops up choose “Follow” and then TCP Stream.

You should get a window with something like what I am including at the bottom of this message. If you don’t for some reason, e.g. bad password, the captured conversation will tell you.

I got snagged by a few other things myself, like being sure to click “Enable” on the same page as the test button, making sure FTP was selected on the path and clicking save on that page.

Then go stick your finger in front of the camera!

Once you get it going on your computer, you can switch to another host. If you leave everything else alone, you should be fine.

And if you can't get it to work on another host, get a cheap managed switch on Amazon, plug in the camera, your PC and a link to your router, and mirror the camera port to the PC, and rerun Wireshark. Easy! ;)

Captured TCP Conversation
220 Microsoft FTP Service
USER anonymous
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
230 User logged in.
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I.
257 "/" is current directory.
CWD FTP_TEST/1707478550_43215660910
550 The system cannot find the file specified.
250 CWD command successful.
MKD 1707478550_43215660910
257 "1707478550_43215660910" directory created.
250 CWD command successful.
CWD //FTP_TEST/1707478550_43215660910
250 CWD command successful.
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,14,122,215,58).
stor ftp_test.txt
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,14,122,215,59).
list //FTP_TEST/
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
221 Goodbye.
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