Net disconnection alerts

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Re: Net disconnection alerts

Post by friedham »

@Revo2Maxx Thank you for your replies. I'm using a NV4116E-HS and using IPC Offline. When I power off the camera it logs the event with an IPC offline alarm and then logs again when it comes back online, but it still doesn't generate an email.I double checked that the email I'm using is setup correctly and the test email works fine. I did some more testing and it appears no events are being emailed. I configured a channel to email on motion and triggered an event and it logged it, but did not email. Is there anything else from a global level that needs to be enabled for email notifications to work? The only email I seem to be able to get to go out is the test email.
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Re: Net disconnection alerts

Post by friedham »

Ugh, from reading other threads this seems to be a widespread problem that isn’t being addressed. I use a gmail account and was able to get it working to where the test email works only to find out that even though that works, the notification emails most likely will not. This is a frustrating waste of time when the interface clearly has an option for gmail as a provider but doesn’t actually support it.
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Re: Net disconnection alerts

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Problem is that it was supported there are many different servers that can be used.. Back in the time that gmail changed the rules I went as far as buying my own Email server so I could send alerts via email. After a year I gave up on the whole Email and now only use Push seeing there is no lag and the Alerts are much faster then the Emails ever were...

After your post I tired to help even going as far as connecting another email that I have not logged into for a few years lol. But always have it in case I need it..

However email outside of the 2019 or newer FW is something that gmail has put an end too. The Amcrest Devices with 2019 and newer FW did update and fix the issue however since then gmail once again made changes and broke the whole email thing again.. Yahoo works just have to do what it says to get it setup.. The Passwords have to be entered with the spaces and trying to copy and paste them don't work.. However entering them and making sure to add the spaces as I said it works for mine with 2020 FW..
Be Safe.
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Re: Net disconnection alerts

Post by friedham »

I agree, it's hard to keep up when google and others keep moving the ball. It seems to me the best solution would be for Amcrest to setup a SMTP relay for all the NVR's to use instead of the current solution. Lots of other devices do this and you don't have to setup a relay at all, you just enable email alerts and it emails them to the address specified. It's a much simpler solution and much easier to keep up with. Funny you mentioned Yahoo, I actually tried a yahoo account earlier today but I copied and pasted the password with the spaces. I am going to try it again and manually type it in.

I agree completely about push notifications and it's what I use for motion alerts as well. The only reason I tried setting up the email route was to try and get notifications when cameras disconnect or lose video. I haven't seen an option for push alerts for that, but that would be nice. Or maybe I've missed it somewhere?

Thank you again for your help and replies, it's been very helpful!
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Re: Net disconnection alerts

Post by friedham »

I just tried Yahoo and I couldn't get it to work. The web gui wouldn't allow me to type the spaces. I was able to manually type the password via Amcrest View Pro but it still failed. I feel like I'm back in the 90's trying to get a device to send an email, this really does not need to be this complicated. For now, I give up on this issue. Thanks again for your help, @Revo2Maxx !
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