Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

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Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by dljone1 »

I am frustrated! I have 2 Amcrest IP2m-841 cameras. One works fine. I can access it via the app just fine.

The other camera I've had for a while and decided to put it in my garage. I'm able to get a live feed it via WIN10, I can sign on and access it through the AMCREST browser add-on. I just can't get it connected using the AMCREST Android app on my phone.

I was, however, able to connect the garage camera -- and control it! -- using the TinyCam Pro app. While this is ok, I would really like to control both cameras through the Amcrest Android app.

I've tried adding via P2P and IP. At best I get login timed out. Occasionally, as I run through the app setup wizard it says it's connected but when I tap "Start Live View" it times out without connecting.

How can I connect my Garage camera through the Amcrest app?
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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Sounds like it might be a Wifi Issue.. I would first restart my Router. Once you know it has been rebooted and you can access the Internet over your system. I would then try to connect to the camera again... One of the issues is that they need a lot of Bandwidth. You can lower this need inside of the setup buy lowering Frame Rate and lowering the bandwidth requirements however that don't always work... SO next thing you have to look into is that your using both Main and Sub Streams because if your only using Main and your Bandwidth is limited your not going to be able to access if your system isn't offering Sub Stream... Another thing is if your only on Main Stream in your app if you don't pick that the Main stream should be playing then it will not play because most times I find that it defaults to Extra Stream aka Sub.. This is normally because limits of the Cell phone bandwidth.. Want best connection working in or out of your home network use P2P only care about using at home then setup under IP/Network and make sure your Wifi can get to where ever you place the camera... Most times people don't take into count what type of siding, Walls and any type of wiring we have inbetween the Wifi and your router... Also if you live in a High Traffic area that could damage your ability to access things in an area that you might normally be able to... Things to remember most Phones today have a BOOST circuit in them that lets the Wifi work father then an Amcrest Camera would be able to.. In other words just because your Phone or Laptop can access the Wifi with good bars don't mean that the camera will have the same distance ability... I have a Wifi camera in my Garage and sadly there are days that it just don't want to work even though they app shows the camera is online when I access it I just get a black screen. close it wait a few minutes and I can access it I mention this because this Camera has a Antenna on the outside of the unit that is 5db tuned.
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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by amcrest168 »

login timed outs are usually associated with connectivity issues.
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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by Pcfixerguy »

I have this same issue. The camera is new V3 i believe. My v2 cameras have no problem connecting. I can get the web portal and login but not add it to app. Internet or wifi is not the issue.
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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Please note that there are 2 different Streams and not always are they both enabled.. Make sure they are Enabled and also check that you can make your connection over a wired connection in fact if at all able. I would Setup the camera to the App while it is connected to cable... Once it is setup then connect and setup the Wifi part of the camera.. Since I have started doing this I can make a Connection to a camera in less then 3 min...

Another thing to remember, Try and setup the Wifi over a different IP then your Wired connection... I have some cameras that this isn't the option but in the Amcrest Cameras under Setup, Network, Tcp/IP (connection Type) you can make these connections I would also set to Static...

Another thing to make connection while outside your network when you setup your camera over the App i would set up for P2P for best results...

There are many issues that might come up.. Over ones network just because your Computers can talk to one another don't mean your connection to a camera is going to be Perfect.. Network issues can be the biggest issue on a Connection issue to a camera so don't rule out a Reboot of the Router, or try a Different Eht0 Cable...

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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by Hotrod53 »

So to be clear, it makes a difference whether you configure using an IP address or PTP? I thought that end result was the same no mater how you configured it, but I'd like to understand for sure. Should I delete all 3 cameras and use the PTP setup to re-add them?

Another thing to make connection while outside your network when you setup your camera over the App i would set up for P2P for best results...

I have the same issue as described. I have 3 cameras, I can see all 3 inside of my WIFI network, only 1 outside of my WIFI network (using Amcrest Pro) unless I'm using Blue Iris, then I can see them all. Before my recent issue where I formatted all 3 cameras and started over, I could see 2/3 cameras outside of my WIFI, now I can only see one. Before someone says well just use Blue Iris remotely.... it tends to be unreliable. Sometimes I can hit my remote IP, sometimes its literally days before it will work again.

It's always the same camera that I can see, if I delete the view of all 3 cameras in Amcrest Pro and only look for one that I can't see when I'm polling for all 3, it times out. If it were a bandwidth issue and I'm only polling for 1 camera, I would then think that it would find that one rather than it timing out. The one camera that I can see remotely is 20" from the one that I can see and on the same network, and yes BTW, all three are wireless.

I've compared all of the setup info that I can find and all cameras are configured exactly the same. I do have both main and substream set up. I have video quality on max for the main stream, and minimum for the substream. My frame rate on both is 30, but I've tried to reduce it and it made no difference. I've also dropped my resolution down to 1250 but that hasn't helped either.
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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by Revo2Maxx »

To be Honest it is hard to say what the issue is... What I can say is if there is an issue with not being able to see your camera outside of your network then it sounds like you might have setup the camera without using P2P...

There are some people that don't like P2P because they say that it contacts the server to often and what not sadly there is no way to keep down how much it talks to the server it is only a Ping kind of like asking are you still there or your camera saying I am here either way they need to keep in contact so when you and your App make a connection it is fast and works without much if any delay.. However if it was not checking when you went to make a connection it would have to reach out and try to find the camera...

So then it comes down to how it was setup in App.. at times things can get over looked and or might have been done without knowing the difference.. How you can tell is bring up your APP click on the left top icon 3 lines 3 dots and then click Device Manager, Then Click on the Camera or NVR/DVR your wanting to look over the settings on, Then click on the Pencil.. The very top line it will say TYPE if it is P2P and your having issues connecting Look at the Live View Type and change from Extra to Main or If set main change to extra then click on start live view...
Please note that some cameras night need a lot more bandwith then others even if they are the same type.. This won't make since but if it is at the edge of your Wifi Range and there is an issue with connection in or outside of your wifi it might make your Connection fail... Extra is good however in most cases it should Auto over to a good connection but don't seem that it does always...

Also another thing to keep in mind.. While some might not think so how many connections you make to your camera not only impacts your Network speed it can also impact the ability to make a connection.. So say that you have your system setup to FTP, and record on Blue Iris and record to your Local NAS that you have setup as a NVR with a Wifi camera this can kill your Bandwidth kind of fast and make it hard to get a good stable connection on the outside over your Cell App and Data.. Another issue for some people is that there could be Network lag caused by your Cell Provider throttling your connection because your over your normal limit. However if it was that kind of an issue it would be all cameras unless the ones that is working is setup to give you the lower bandwidth stream and the one or ones that are not working are on higher bandwidth stream...

Sadly it isn't a Cut and dry issue and there are a few different reasons this can be an issue..
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Re: Login Timed Out - Can't Connect Camera to Amcrest App

Post by johnpeery »

Try removing the camera(s) from the amcrest app and re-adding. I found when this happens the IP of the camera is no longer correct. If the camera received a DHCP IP then it could have changed at some point. Updating the IP on settings didn't work for me, I had to remove and then add it back.
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