Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

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Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by Private »

I live on a corner lot and have my outdoor camera pointed at my driveway. ( 1p4m 1028e) every time a car turns the corner their headlights set off my camera. Is there a way to stop this. The range I have set does not include the road but my motion is catching their light beam

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Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by Hotrod53 »

Seems to be nature of the beast, I have the same issue. For instance, I block the area of my garage door windows. Light coming through those windows reflect off of objects in the monitored zones will still trip an event. I have the street excluded in front of my house, but still the headlights that light up things in my monitored area still trip. Tweaking it can take time, but you can make it better but I don't think you can eliminate it.
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Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by danwithacam »

I have the same issue, and it's not just headlights but shadows and changes in light.

For the last 2-3 days we've had rolling clouds where my cameras are, and the camera detects motion from its own change in exposure to match the change in the light level. This is just stupid, surely they could add a bit of code to tell the camera not to trigger a motion event at the same moment it has re-adjusted its exposure.

The sun is quite low right now and every time someone walks past my house, their shadow is cast into my yard albeit very briefly. I've turned the sensitivity all the way down and the threshold up but it still will just not stop alerting me to motion. It's ridiculous. These cameras need to be better at differentiating light from actual movement.
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Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Sadly Motion is the hardest thing to make anyone happy with.. If someone makes a camera or system very strong on Motion there is going to be people out there that are not happy because it don't go off enough..

Right now I have rolling clouds and to be honest I have all my machines to record full time because there is just no way to make me happy however I do have my system to Record on Motion as well and right now with the Wind and rolling clouds my systems are going off left and right.. Even one of my Machines that I have setup with Cameras in an area with no Traffic is going off and they are setup with Strobes and one of them is setup in my Shed that sets off an Alarm and I have turned that off today because it hasn't gone off in a long time seeing it is connected to a Sensor and camera for it to set off the alarm in my home and it turns on a Siren in the shed and HID Strobe lights it too went off and thought someone had broke in.. Sadly it was caused by a dead battery in the sensor so I have to wait for it to get here...

However it happen in the midst of all my systems going off as well because my Hikvision DVR that is only one that I can figure out how to get Full Screen on motion out of the 16 cameras on it I have 3 that are setup on Motion to bring the camera online full screen and today with the Wind and clouds and leaves falling and flashes off FedEx Truck going by my system has been going full screen ch after ch non stop for the last 4 hours and starting to drive me nuts lol...

My only Wifi Camera that is on Wifi for my cameras I have most of them setup even if they are Wifi on Wired connections keep going offline today as well and I can only guess it is related to the Wind we are having... Most times it keeps a Stable Connection seeing it is on a router that shares only 2 cameras and is External Router the second camera is on its wired port so it could be Router related caused by wind or camera issue and or both.. The Camera has a Backup in play to record to MSD when connection to FTP is lost so I am not missing anything if it isn't being sent to my Recorder or FTP then MSD is in play... Sadly yes 32gb with motion active and loads of wind or leaves rolling clouds can fill that space rather fast...
Be Safe.
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Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by Private »

It’s just annoying as I get 99+ notifications every night. I now ignore the notifications which defies the purpose of having these cameras
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(Eliminate false detections) Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by jack7 »

The easiest and best way to not have false detections like headlights, leaves, rain, bugs, shadows, etc. is to use an AI system that only detects motion of objects that you choose. I've used a Camect for about a year and was an early adopter. It works great.
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Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by JimBob »

The solution is to use a PIR motion detector. Look at some at B&H photo online. My video software (Security Spy) has AI and has setting that help to ignore car lights. Masking, video sensing, Trigger time. But PIR is very good for just triggering on real people or cars. As far as I know.
good luck.
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Re: Headlights setting off motion detection outdoors

Post by Timothyloves »

It's a pain in the neck.
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