video doorbell chime kit

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video doorbell chime kit

Post by eganders »

I have a question that no one has yet answered. I bought a AD110 video doorbell. It has a little box that is called a "chime kit". Being an engineer, I am curious as to what is in this little box. Can you answer that?

ALSO, I have a rational reason for asking this question. I have 2 electromechanical doorbells in parallel (one for upstairs and one for the basement). I would put the "chime kit" on one of them. Would there be any problem with having 2 doorbells in parallel on one chime kit?

Another question is: Does the button on the doorbell close the circuit to the electromechanical doorbell? If it does, the button would "short out" the power to the video doorbell. Unless there is an internal battery or "supercap", the video doorbell would inoperable when the button was pushed. Anyone know exactly how this system works?
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Re: video doorbell chime kit

Post by Bsbal18 »

You and me both, buddy. My doorbell only chimes half the tone and then gets "shorted" out as you state. Before i had to have a tiny metal resistor that would allowthe 2nd chime to hit. I have no idea how other digital chime installations are working for people. I have read all the forum topics on it and not found a good answer yet.
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Re: video doorbell chime kit

Post by Revo2Maxx »

You didn't notice how long it took for your Camera to start up? It has 2 super caps in it... So yes the Door bell is like the normal system in place.. Shorts out or causes flow though of current if you will between Transformer and bell...

I am not sure if i would only use 1 box.. However i am not sure what would harm... To be Honest i am going to guess it isn't a bell at all.. But is a Surge Protector... This is a Guess...

On the other hand most House Chime Kinds come with a F/B Connection on the unit and I would guess it should be used one on the F and one on the B aka Front and Back.... However I would maybe send support at amcrest a email and ask them if one could work... TO be honest I think it is a Surge Protection Circuit
Be Safe.
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Re: video doorbell chime kit

Post by amcrest168 »

unlike a regular doorbell push button is wired in the normal open circuit position, a wired doorbell camera is in the close circuit position as it needs constant power hence the chime kit serves as a load resistor to the doorbell chime.
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