wifi camera cannot conneted to NVR

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wifi camera cannot conneted to NVR

Post by saadfaad »

Hi Gents,
i have 8 WiFi 4MP camera and i would like connect to NVR non Poe how can i connected by WiFi , I have one Ethernet for NVR 4116E but dose not for 8 cameras .
I need very clear explanation please.
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Re: wifi camera cannot conneted to NVR

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and welcome to the Forum.

First what I would do isn't always what you may do. However this is what I would do. First, I like to keep my IP cameras off on their own Router, So I would look on the Bay for a TP-Link wifi router. Or other of your choosing. I would set up the router as a AP and let your first router be the DNS server and DHCP. Then once your router is setup it would only be used for the Camera Traffic to your NVR. Plug in your NVR to PORT 1. Then if your cameras have already been setup your NVR should be able to find them and you pick what CH they are going to be on.
Or you can just setup your new router as a different IP router and have it work as a DHCP and DNS. This way you can have your main Network router on say and maybe you want your IP Cameras to be on as the router ip and setup the router to give ip address of, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 and 108 with 101 as CH1 and so on... But with a NVR with 1 Eth0 Port you plug that into the router and with he IP cameras on the same network it will or should pull them into once you give the NVR permission with the admin name and pass...

Or if your home network with Wifi is small then you can use your already wifi router. Setup your Ip cameras, Then plug in your NVR to the Router and it will find cameras and add them as you will for Ch1 - 8
Be Safe.
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