Cat5 Splitter/joiner to Camera issue HELP!

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Cat5 Splitter/joiner to Camera issue HELP!

Post by mrkegs »

Bout to drive myself, well i already have, up the wall trying to figure this out. I'll keep it simple, please advise on a solution if possible thank you!

Situation / Setup: IP3M POE cams. 8ch NVR. So all cameras work. Already have cables run so i'm wanting to add cameras on the other end of one of the cameras. So I used a high quality splitter from a company called POE Texas. I confirmed it splits into correct pairs on both ends, and power also works. So its not the splitter issue. So i'm going like this: Two cat5 jumpers from NVR ports 4 & 5, to splitter, then down the single cable run to another splitter which separates them back into two cables.

Problem: IT DOESNT WORK. One of the cameras work, but not the other. The NVR can't find the other one. I can swap cables and its always just one that works. None of the cables are faulty.

I've tried manually entering an IP for the camera i know to be connected. And guessing its IP that it would most likely be given. Is there some other way I haven't tried?

Thank you!
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Re: Cat5 Splitter/joiner to Camera issue HELP!

Post by jack7 »

I assume that the NVR port 4 attached camera is always the one that works. Have you tried removing the port 4 cable and seeing if the port 5 camera will work with and without your splitters?
If you can't find a way to get the NVR to see both cameras and the splitters are working with port 5, you may need a POE switch attached to the network, along with your splitters. Then use the NVR console to add the two network cameras, preferably with static or reserved IP addresses.
Another alternative may be to use a device like this connected to the network without your splitters, if camera watt requirements are satisfied. A POE injector or switch would also be needed. ... _lig_dp_it
When reviewing this site, be sure to check the three star review and the review comments. The poster appears to use RJ-45 keystone jacks to accomplish what you are trying to do with splitters.
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