chime kit wiring

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chime kit wiring

Post by Ekke »

i have the AD110 doorbell connected and working but i had some problems with the chime kit so i have it running without my internal doorbell.
1. do i need the chime-kit with internal doorbell?
2 . i have this wiring, attached pic the one to the right! were would i connect the chime kit?

thanks Erik
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Yes you need the Chime kit or Risk damaging your Doorbell camera and the Transformer... Stand alone connect to the same terminals you are connecting your doorbell camera 16vac 30va
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Ekke »

so understanding this right, connect kit to 0F and 1?
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Ekke »

a small update, it works fine without the chime kit and connecting it to 0f and 1 on the existing chime works but also then chimes every ten seconds. i have a feeling that the wiring is old and really thin cables mybe replaceing them might help.
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Revo2Maxx »

You don't understand.. The CHIME KIT is needed 100% without or with a Doorbell...

If you have someone there with you and you had them press the button while you stand close by the Transformer when the camera button is pressed aka doorbell button is pressed you will hear a HUM from the Transformer that is because it is Shorting (causing a Dead Short) with the Chime Kit there is a Relay system in the KIT that takes the power from this button push and Shunts it so it never makes it to the Transformer...

So I guess I didn't understand what you were talking about.. I thought you were saying you were going to use it without indoor doorbell...

So from your question it sounded like you were talking about not using the Indoor doorbell and in that case it would go to the Transformer LVO legs of the transformer (LVO = Low Voltage Out) that is the same place the camera would connect as well.. IN your setup I am not sure how your Camera is working or the chime is ringing if you have it connected the way your update was posted...
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Ekke »

thanks for the explanation, but qouting your statement above "You don't understand.. The CHIME KIT is needed 100% without or with a Doorbell..." well i have had the device hooked up without chime and chime-kit for 8-9 months and its been working fine but i was missing my indoor chime. it clearly states in the usermanual the you dont need the kit when only running the camera without indoor chime!
but back to my original question how is the chime-kit supposed to be wired with my chime as described in the first pic. im gonna try to replace the thin cables and connect to 0F and 1 see if that works better.
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Revo2Maxx »

OK Sorry I can't say what the Manual says seeing that it was what I used to say from what the manual said and as I said I used to tell people it wasn't needed...

HOWEVER I have since tested this and I can tell you that while you might get away from using a CHIME kit without damaging your Transformer I personally will not use it without..

1 Brand New 16vac 30va power supply.. Tested with CHIME kit and used it without issue with a Indoor Chime.... When I tested my Voltage didn't go under 17.92 vac however after some other test and one of them without using the Chime kit and hearing a really loud hum from the Transformer I have since found that now it is 17.21vac and dips down to 16.89 to 16.94 on load... Where before the Use of the system without a Chime kit it was as I said not under 17.92 even on load...

Also was told in the start that using this doorbell camera with a 16vac or 24vac is ok.. After doing some testing on more then 6 cameras without the use of a Indoor doorbell all chime boxes have fried.. So I will no longer ever use this with a 24vac and I will always tell anyone that I know that has one or is going one for stand alone seeing I belong to a large group of Cabin Owners and loads of them don't use indoor doorbells and told all of them that 24 vac was faster and better however after testing 30va to 100va all of them short out drop to lower then 3vac and current of more then what anyone would want to run on any wire that would power these doorbell cameras... Had one that was tested at 10 amps and wasn't at the max that it would have been able to produce.. These Transformers are not to be honest very safe when it comes to powering devices outside of HVAC and doorbells.. Most of the doorbells systems are 16vac 10va to that is very low current that is needed...

So when it comes to your Transformer It is after 3am here and I am not going to do math but I can tell you that a transformer that is 220 to 240vac to a 8 to 16vac secondary has more turns and I am going to guess maybe even larger wires for building the Transformer then our 117 vac to 16vac... So I am going to guess that your transformer is better larger and stands up to abuse more then others?

However about connecting your Chime Kit.. It is hard to say... YOur system isn't the NORMAL F T B and I am going to guess that it would stll need to go across the terminals coming from your Transformer... Other then that I am not sure as it isn't a Normal Setup...
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Ekke »

nice writeup, thanks.
im using a Rogy BT16 transformer that has 8-24 vac, were im using the 24v setting. if i have time im going to try to do some testing and get back with reults.
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Well before you get to invested into doing some testing with 24vac.. Keep in mind that I have tested 6 different Chime boxes that all have used 24vac and all the chime boxes with 16vac and doorbell the chime box will keep the doorbell ringing.. It isn't a defective doorbell unit or camera sadly it is Chime Kit that is bad... I have confirmed this because I did use a 7th Chime Kit that has not seen a 24vac connection and the doorbell, chime kit and camera all worked.. I put back on the one I thought to be defective and sure enough it makes the doorbell ring constant... Sadly I wasn't able to keep that Chime kit because it belongs to a friend of mine and was offline for my testing because to also confirm I had plugged into his and sure enough it would keep ringing.. Put his back in and it worked right.. So I took his and tested in mine and sure enough it worked..

SO as I said in my testing I had a Clamp Meter on the output wires from the Transformer and had my Multi Meter on the doorbell camera.. When button is pressed with 24vac mode in play the Transformer Voltage dropped to 2.4vac and the clamp amp meter went to 10amps.. Doing this 4 times because I wasn't sure about results and needed to see the results again and each time Volts dropped and Amps went crazy high..

My guess is that the Chime Box is multi use unit one to keep doorbell from ringing constant and other to keep the Transformer from acting like it is shorting everytime the button is pushed.. Because without the box in play even in bad working order the Transformer don't HUM when button is pressed.. However without the Chome box in play second the button is pushed the Transformer starts to hum...

While I know what people are thinking there is no chime box with a normal button so what is the harm.. Normal button is going from Transformer to Doorbell, other side to button and then other ied of button to doorbell F or B and when the Button is pressed it is going into a Circuit if it is Digital and or a Coil if it is Mech and that Shunts the power and makes like your turning on a light or something else and is pass through... for power However if you were to short that power under normal use it would pop the breaker in this case the breaker is past the Transformer and without circuit or coil the hum in the transformer at 24vac is because in a since your shorting out the transformer at a dead short in that mode..

Personally I would and from now on I will avoid using 24vac with the Doorbell camera... I think it might have been a miss understanding when what type of Power could be used.. 16 to 24 is because there are some 16vac transformer out there that produce 21 to 22 vac and I think that is why.. However to be honest when a 24vac is used that isn't 24vac constant and protected voltage that is raw and could be much higher 24 to 33vac just like when a 16vac is over 20vac... Higher quality transformers will be under better quality numbers but could still be over the true max voltage for that Chime Kit.. Also it isn't the High Volts that killed the Chime Kits I am going to guess it was the Over Current
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Re: chime kit wiring

Post by wallace4793 »


It looks like I have the same or similar chime. Was there a conclusion on which terminal to connect the chime kit?

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