Setup for Motion OR IVS in your DVR/NVR Only?

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Setup for Motion OR IVS in your DVR/NVR Only?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So in your NVR you think you are only recording motion? Might want to look at how you have your DVR/NVR setup. I just found out one of the issues with my Recording that is costing me some valuable space.

So as everyone knows or may not I have loads of camera hardware. Been a Passion of mine since the 80's.. Anyway one of the types of cameras I own I still use today on my Amcrest NVR's and the main issue with that is the hardware is kind of backwards when it comes to main and sub streams. In them they were setup with the First stream as a Sub 5fps for access over mobile apps. The second steam I have setup as h.264 and 30fps. I want to record full time even though I have SD cards in them I don't want to have to run to the WebUI everytime I want to see feed so I try to record on my NVR setting my Sub as Auto and well it never records (that I can see on normal playback anyway)

So here is where I found an issue. I have my Sub steams setup as Manual for recording. So let say for my Doorbell camera, Looking at the backup 24 hours recording even though I have it setup in the NVR for IVS rules only however when I go to backup, I click on ch1, I click on search there will only be IVS until I click on Sub Stream and do a search again. Now I have the whole day being recorded to the NVR in SubStream even though it is setup for Manual. For me thought it was only meant for like when I am away on app and wanted to capture something if I was on substeam it would need to be on manual however that isn't the case.. It is Recording all of my channels full time all day

So how to fix that.. Make sure in Record area on the sub stream and substeam2 turn them off...

I know that it works this way in my 4216E-AI, 4108E-HS, 4108-HS, 4116E-HS, 2108E-HS in the 4.0 FW. I have not looked at the others I own at the time of writing this. Only way to find it is from Backup Menu either from GUI and or WebUI of the NVR's..

Now lets say you have a camera like my 1046EW-AI and it has a ROI/AOI in stream 2 that you would like to record full time then by all means setup the stream 2 to record manual and sure enough it will record that for a cool camera like having 2 cameras from 1..

So far my 1046EW-AI Camera is one of the Best Amcrest Cameras I OWN..
Be Safe.
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