No Motion Recording on Ch 1

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No Motion Recording on Ch 1

Post by Pogo »

This has been an ongoing issue for some time and I've just lived with it since the affected cameras are also on my Blue Iris server and work fine there. I say 'cameras' because the problem exists on 2 DV8M8s and a NV4108-HS with all three having different brand and type cameras on their respective channel 1.

One DV8M8 has a Honic HDCVI 1080p and the other a Hik TVI 1080p. The 4108 has a Reolink 810A 4K on its channel 1 which records fine with 'motion only' on any other channel as is the case with the analog cameras on their DVRs as well. Motion recording simply isn't working on channel 1 with any of the units.

General 24/7 recording works fine on channel 1 in all cases and I recall motion also working for a time on one of the DV8Ms but can't remember which one..., and whichever one it was doesn't now.

So anyway, I decided to finally try tracking this down a few days ago and am coming up empty so far. And no, I haven't (and don't intend to) do factory resets on everything just to see if that works..., at least not yet.

I've copied settings/and schedules from working channels with no luck and have switched the cameras to other channels and they worked fine in motion only mode. It seems like channel 1 simply refuses to retain the setting for motion, or at least the scheduling aspect. Both green and yellow bars are there in the daily schedule, just no motion recording..., or maybe it's recording and is just playback issue? I'm not familiar enough with the file structure to investigate that in any detail.

Any enlightenment or direction appreciated.
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Re: No Motion Recording on Ch 1

Post by Revo2Maxx »

There is some strange things going on here. Only Ch1 and on all 3 devices seems very strange.

There is a good few areas on each recorder that effects the ability to record. I am sure you are aware of all this.. However I will go over them anyway to just make sure that something might not have been Over Looked..

1, Double check that the Record is enabled. You can find this under Motion for the recorder and ch1. Then there is an area under Storage, *Record Mode* Please double check that what ever stream you want to record in Main or Sub is setup for Auto. If it is setup to off it won't record if it is setup on Manual it will record full time no matter what your schedule is for that camera.. Auto is what is setup in the Schedule. next need to double check the Schedule. Make sure that your record type of coved. Channel 1 you said is effected so make sure that it has yellow 24/7.
2, Double check that Motion detection is enabled for Chan1, That there is a Region setup *For testing reset settings back to default for Threshold and Sensitivity,* That the Record for channel is picked and that it is showing Ch1.. To make a Test click setting, click another camera along with chan1 that you don't care if it records to that channel for some testing. Make sure that the Post-Record time is setup for 10 or better seconds and not out of the devices threshold.

If your device is using a camera outside of what is normal for that recorder another thing that might need to be done is dial things back to normal. Lets say, your camera on your Recorder is running out side of the normal ability for the Recorder. Like let say you were able to pull in a 20fps on a device that isn't able to run 20fps it might be that it needs to be dialed down. This don't matter if your camera is IP or Analog. Normally if you can make it higher then the ability of the DVR/NVR it will fail to record because it is outside of the scope. However like in your DVR if you happen to have a camera that works at 20fps and some strange thing has happened that it is showing this on the DVR it will not be able to record because it is out of the recorders ability..

In your DVR you can in most cases setup you chan1 motion to record to ch8 lets say you don't have a camera on ch8. It won't record anything because there is no camera but the time line should show that Ch1 had detection.. This is to lets say a way to show that it is detecting motion and telling the recorder that it should record. Not always will the recorder work this way however the way I setup my DVR's I can make it do this.. Again for me it is a step in trouble shooting a recording at channel level.
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Re: No Motion Recording on Ch 1

Post by Pogo »

Oops. Never thought there'd be what is essentially an override for the Motion recording schedule tucked away in 'Alarms'. Just a little weird..., almost as weird as it not being active on channel 1 for whatever reason. Probably operator error somewhere along the line, but all three recorders?

Anyway, all fixed. Thanks for the detailed response as usual.

And would someone activate the 'centering' feature, please?

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