DVR will not recognize serial number?

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Re: DVR will not recognize serial number?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Well I am glad to hear you have another machine up and working... Sorry to hear that you had some issues with Support.. While it is hard at times to keep things going between clients over a long period of time while it is hard to understand at times the mistakes some can make.. I have an understanding coming from Hardware Support background.. Sometimes and I am going to guess might have been what happen on your case.. Maybe the support staff was working up to another client and came to yours and was called away from the desk.. When returning they had in the mind the other client that had your reply that is clearly for a IP camera and not much for CVI even though I do have a CVI camera that can be Reset like an IP camera and some of my Older CVBS cameras.. Most of them are not resetting types.. Anyway as I was saying when they returned it might be they thought they reply they were in was for telling the person to Reset the camera and sent it to you by mistake..

Good news is that your up and working again... Funny thing is one of my Units was dead over the weekend lol I am just glad I had other machine to put in its place while I sorted it out lol.. Back up didn't have all the alarms but was able to record while the other one was down.. Mine was from a different company and after a couple of hours trying to do my own repair I contacted Support and the reply I got from them was
" I am sorry I don't see this Device in our database. Please send us your Serial Number and a Copy of the Purchase so we can tell this is a Legit product"...
Translation to me is HAHHAHAHA you have OLD machine and no way can have a copy of your Recpt so we will deny any support for your Product LOL... My reply was What Wait.. So you have a Firmware on your Site that goes to a Product that isn't in your Database and the only thing I ask for is that you take 2 seconds out of your day to send me a Reset code that is only good for the data in question and wouldn't have been an issue if the FW update would have reset my system back as all the other FW updates have done back to factory password settings.. My issue is the System was stuck with my Password from older FW that didn't allow any special character and the NEW FW Requires one in it to be Valid.. Funny thing is my App let me access it over the phone.. I did have option in there to change password however when I try it says password was not good.. However on the app you can see what the app is using for the Password lol so I know it was good just the machine didn't like that seeing it was not in its settings to allow the legacy password type lol.. After some searching and cussing lol I was able to get a program that let me make a Password that I could use to log into my machine and change the password to one that the new fw wants...
Be Safe.
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