DVR/NVR in playback with FPS use

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DVR/NVR in playback with FPS use

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So while I was talking with a friend of mine about setting up his cameras and use of the FPS in playback he had asked me what I was talking about. So I thought I would make a Video and show what I am talking about in the since of playing a clip and how to use the FPS next frame in playback mode.

So in my 4216E-AI NVR when your in the playback of the NVR's GUI and you get to an area that you want to see clear. If you are playing and you see something that is clear by the time you press pause maybe to take a picture for your recorders or some other reason. Right next to the play and pause button is the Next Frame button and that is how you move the video 1 frame per second. So if your setup for 22 or 20 maybe your looking at your AD410 that is at 15fps you can look at each of the frames between each second. In the NVR's GUI.

So you are working in Remote, This is where things get hard for my friend because he was told (Not by me) that he had to use Chrome or Edge and they don't have that option in playback

So in this Video I show a clip from today where it might come in handy for moving 1 frame at a time. Using one of my 850EB cameras I wanted to setup what it might feel like if I had a 863 or 1063 at this location rather then only my 1046ew-AI camera.. So I setup a Rule from my 4216E-AI NVR Tripwire and when a car passes this tripwire the camera will PTZ to a preset and zoom in, My 850 is little slow at this but does a good enough job for the task..

Back to Chrome when you playback and want to pause there is no frame forward :( So if you are trying to see something and you are playing the video get to the spot you want to pause once your brain clicks to pause it might have gone another 5 to 10 frames before the image stops, so you have to play backwards and start play again and try to get it.. However using the NVR's GUI or using IE you will be able to go in a Per Frame and if your at 30 FPS then every second there is 30 frames of picture captured.
Be Safe.
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