Cant view cameras attached to switch unless logged in.

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Cant view cameras attached to switch unless logged in.

Post by joebush42 »

Switch: AGPS9E8P-AT-96

Hi everyone,

So I have a total of 12 POE cameras. 8 connect directly to the NVR, the remaining attached to an Amcrest switch. I have a split HDMI coming from the NVR to my Livingroom and bedroom televisions. The issue I'm running into is every camera attached to the switch is locked from viewing (black screen with a red padlock) unless I log in. Well, it seems to auto log me out every 10 minutes of inactivity. Is there a way to "authorize" the switch cameras to be viewed normally while logged out, or is there a way to remain logged into the NVR?

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Re: Cant view cameras attached to switch unless logged in.

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the Forum

So I am not sure about the 4116E-HS... I do know that is one of the things I dislike about my 4108h however my h isn't the 4k model like yours.. However my 2116-HS does have the ability to keep View LIve when logged out.. I can even pick non or any of the cameras..

So if your 4116E-HS is like my 2116-HS then you will want to log in if logged out, Then click on Main Menu, Then Setting, General. IN this window there is a Auto Log out set to 10 Min by default.. However over to the Right of that Box in my system anyway is a Icon you can Push Called Monitor Channel(s) a new box will open with All Box, and Boxes for D1 - D16.. If you click on them when the system logs out the Channels you pick in that menu area will be displayed the rest will not until someone logs in...

Never want it to log out then just change the Audo Logout to 0 and Apply and all better...

Sadly wish my system had that for my 4108, my 7204 both of them I get the Lock after about 4 to 6 months even when I have don't log me out turned on lol
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Re: Cant view cameras attached to switch unless logged in.

Post by Revo2Maxx »

*****Locked out UPDATE*****

So I figured out what the issue is and should be the same for yours as well.. I Found this out while setting up one of my NVR's... I have been Fighting with this over and over and it never fails to happen at a time I am watching things or testing while I make adjustments lol...

IF your Camera VEIW on logging in shows a Lock the Default User has been Removed from having VIEW action ability on the system... Odd thing is

So I wanted to make sure this was the case and logged into the systems that I only a month ago Reset but didn't really go over and do a Work up on I just Reset, Setup all the Cameras again the way I wanted them and I started Recording... Anyway on them I tested and sure enough if I take out say on my 4108h just 6 first cameras from the Default user account after the system Reboots sure enough the 6ch show a lock and the 7 and 8 pop up without a lock and are just fine.. I go into the User Menu, go to the Default user and I change back Preview to allow all Channels be with Check and reboot all cameras are back up without a LOCK yay

I have called Support in the past Couple of years over this and never GOT a Reply of Try turning on Preview for Default user...

Here is one for you so I know that there is or was someone at Amcrest or the Manufacture that had heard enough about the Issue and added a safeguard.. ON my 2116-HS I have under General where I change Auto Log out a extra area where you can choose what channel you want on when you log out as Admin... So I thought ok lets remove that default user account and see if it removes the ability from access and you Remove them all and Press Save you get a Message Operation Failed... SO went turned them all off at the General page.. I went back to the default user and sure enough this time when I remove the view and Save it goes though.. Reboot and sure enough all Locked up...

I know I know you go and look at your account menu and you see Admin as your only user problem is you need to go one step past that and click on the Modify Group and in there under User and if you click Monitor Check them and after next reboot all channels that you clicked in there should now be up.. I have checked 7 DVR/NVRs by Amcrest and Dahua or Other OEM Dahua recorders that I own.. Some have a Default user by name, That user group under User or if you look at your account and there is only a Admin listed go into the Modify Group and click on the Pencil for User and there will be 3 Tabs, System, Playback and Monitor click on Monitor make sure they are all CHECK ON to have all Channels load after a Reboot...

Or just turn on what ones you want on maybe you don't want 12-16 loading for any one to view...

Hope someone that reads this finds this helpful..

Be safe
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