Cameras cut on/off and have multi-color line and static at night.

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Cameras cut on/off and have multi-color line and static at night.

Post by malibu73 »

I have AMDV4M8 DVR and 4 analog cameras. I have had 2 cameras running the past year or so, but added 2 more this past weekend. I had a lot of trouble setting it up, so i reset everything to factory and started new. Things work, until the night vision comes on. The cameras cut on and off, and have have different color lines and static. I've included a picture. Not sure what to do to fix it. It only does it when it switches to night vision. ...

Edit: I just checked my cameras and the one indoors is in night vision at the moment and other three are normal so not sure what is causing the issues. I just know it happens at night.
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Re: Cameras cut on/off and have multi-color line and static at night.

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Power Supply issues I am not sure what type of Power supply your using but I am going to guess that you have added your new cameras to the old supply and this is causing the system to over the Specs of the Power supply... This might only happen at night or when system is in low light because the IR is taking more Current Draw after IR comes on... At day time it could work because of less current use..

Way to tell this is the case is remove 1 of the Cameras at night and see if the camera Supply keeps the rest of them on...

So lets say that your cameras use 350ma at day time and 550 to 600ma at night and your using a 2amp power supply at day time your cameras are not taking to much power so supply works.. however as the night falls and the cameras change from color to B/W they take more power and if only a 2amp supply wouldn't be enough for 4 cameras running at more then 500ma each in fact never want to take your power supply to the max current so really 2 amp supply would be most happy around 1.5amps to 1.75amps with the extra as Spike Current
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Re: Cameras cut on/off and have multi-color line and static at night.

Post by malibu73 »

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