Anyone with a 4216E-AI or any other AI NVR have answer?

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Anyone with a 4216E-AI or any other AI NVR have answer?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So some while ago now I have found an issue with my 4216E-AI and I posted an email with no resolution and looking to find if my System is my system or if this is something that plagues all the AI NVRs? I have Reset my NVR Many times so it isn't a Reset needed issue as I have reset it a good few times since I first found this issue.

With your system setup to use email for password recovery if you scan and send that code to the email provided do you get a Reply with a Code to reset the NVR or do you get an Error?

This is something that makes this a useless feature if the email recovery don't work.? It don't matter if I have Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo or my own personal Mail Server as my service email it returns an error.

Anyone with any of the AI NVR's willing to test out your Recovery Email, You don't have to put in code or even change the email if you put in the code for the NVR. I wondering if anyone outside of myself has this error.

Thank you
Be Safe.
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