4116E-HS went offline when HDD is full.

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4116E-HS went offline when HDD is full.

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So I have a good few NVR's and one of the ones that I have the worse problem with going offline is my 4116E-HS. So normally I have just kept with the idea not to let the HDD get full. However I thought I would revisit this so I took a new 2tb Purple HDD and installed it in my 4116E-HS to let it fill up faster naturally and see how things play out. Normally I have a 6TB Security Seagate (Skyhawk) HDD installed in it. So that HDD works perfect until the HDD gets full and then goes offline. So I thought well there is no error on the HDD check but maybe the 2018 HDD is starting to fail. It was the year of the 4116E-HS install and was new HDD at the time. Issue is I had it remote and after a little while of not knowing that the system was going offline when HDD filled up, I gave access to the system so it could be purged and keep going..

Anyway sure enough I setup 16ch and had most of it just acting normal with Motion Events and images for email and FTP.. I was keeping an eye on the HDD so it wouldn't go offline while I was sleeping and sure enough about 11pm the system went offline and wasn't watching the screen and I see it took 4 minutes before I noticed and reboot the NVR.

So what I don't understand is why this is happening. Out of all the NVR's the only 2 that don't fail is my 4108E and my 4108H and they can go for a good long time without having an issue. I mean for testing I put a 250gb HDD on my 4108E and have that running full time full and has been since I connected it. I mean I don't really care if it fails to record because I am just using that NVR to power my PTZ cameras in the area where one of my POE+ switches stopped working and record the cameras on my Main NVR in the house.

Anyone having an issue with the system going offline. I mean it wasn't that it didn't record anymore the Screen went black and even trying to access the NVR over WebUI or ASP failed. I had to Remove power form the 4116E-HS to get it to come back online. I then went and Formatted the HDD and haven't had an issue since.

My other NVR's 4108E-HS, 4108-HS, 2108E-HS work most of the time after the HDD gets full for at least 2 weeks before it goes nuts. Most times it just fails to record even tough I have them all setup to Overwrite. They just reboot all the time after about 2 weeks at 0 space left. Also I have my 4116E-HS setup to Reboot every night at mid night along with most of my other recorders. I do have 1 running at the time until 1am when my Front 850EB, and my 4216E-Ai NVR reboots.. Don't have an issue with my DVR's crashing once full. I mean my 8m16-H5 ran 2 years without anyone looking at it. Recording was up to current date when I logged in to it again.

Off topic, few of my Cameras also freak out when the Micro SD cards get full. No matter the brand I use and most now are WD Purple, a Couple of days ago my 850EB kept going offline about every 2 hours until I realized it was the MSD card was full. Trying to get access before it crashes isn't always easy either. Just saying..
Be Safe.
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