Night Vision Cutting in and out

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Night Vision Cutting in and out

Post by StevieCamera »

Hello all,

I just purchased the AmCrest ProHD 1080P 8Ch system from Amazon. It came with 4 domes and 4 bullets. So far I've installed 2 cameras outside. One works fine at night but the other only works fine during the day. The picture is crystal clear; as dawn sets in the camera will not activate night vision. I tested another bullet camera, verified night vision works, replaced the camera and same result. I called tech support; they suggested shining a flashlight into the IR for 30 seconds. I did this and reset the power supply. I also covered a motion sensor for a light, which is located directly in front of the camera (about 15' away) with tape. The camera's night vision activated and I was happy. I removed the tape from the motion and walked out to activate the light. The camera stayed on.

However, when I woke up this morning, the camera no longer was in night vision and was just cutting in and out again. Is it possible the motion sensor is causing this?
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