Motion Detection Frustratiion... about to return system!

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Motion Detection Frustratiion... about to return system!

Post by johnnyv »

I am about to just box this thing up and send it back to Amazon!

I have been trying all day to configure my motion detection settings so that I get alerts when someone walks by the camera but NOT when the sun comes out from behind the clouds. I have my email configured successfully and everything else. It's just the sensitivity and/or threshold settings are off and the motion detection keeps getting triggered.

Currently, I have Sensitivity = 40 and Threshold = 50. A person can walk in front of my camera and no motion will be detected. However, if the sun comes out from behind the clouds, it WILL trigger a motion event.

I tried calling support, but the guy refused to help me unless I gave him remote access to my system. Ridiculous! He wouldn't even have a discussion about the Sensitivity and Threshold settings. Has anyone solved this problem?
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Re: Motion Detection Frustratiion... about to return system!

Post by joey79 »

I have mine set up for 75/60 (sensitivity/threshold). I still get about 5-6 false alerts a day, but i haven't played with the setting that much to be honest. One problem i seem to be having is that when car lights hit my selected region, it seems to trigger the MD pretty regularly so the only fix might be to adjust the alert least in the later hours where headlights would be an issue. Have you tried selecting a smaller region? Maybe a section that isn't as effected by light/shadows?

I have snap shots and email alerts configured only for the front entrance and i left all the other channels with motion detect still on so i can use smart search later on, but without all the email alerts. And lie another poster mentioned in another thread, i created a email filter so i only get the one email with the snap shot while the motion detect and clear emails are automatically deleted.
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Re: Motion Detection Frustratiion... about to return system!

Post by johnnyv »

My regions are pretty small. I have one camera just pointing at my front porch , back porch, and driveway. The front and back porches are only 8x8 feet. I have called Amcrest support and they are going to connect to my system and help me out tomorrow. Hopefully, we will get this resolved. I previously used Blue Iris software with Foscam cameras and didn't have this many false alarms.
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Re: Motion Detection Frustratiion... about to return system!

Post by MacMan »

I have found the motion detection virtually impossible to configure ........ small areas, large areas, specific times, sensitivity settings - on and on. So, I just started recording 24 hours a day in hopes of being able to search if there is an issue. I used Smart Search and was able to locate things ......... albeit after the fact. Now Smart Search has ceased to function. I don't have time to search 5+ hours of video to locate something ......... even at high speed.
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Re: Motion Detection Frustratiion... about to return system!

Post by smokethisgt »

I'll chime in here as well, like MacMan said I also record 24/7 just in case. I also experience several alerts when the sun fades in and out from behind the clouds -- The only thing i've been able to do that really seems to help is to make your region area smaller.

One thing I had mentioned to Amcrest would be the option to create different motion REGIONS, Sensitivity & Thresholds based on the schedule. So for instance, at night (because of headlights) allow me to have a different region than during the day. This would cut down on probably half of my false alerts.

I haven't received anything back..
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