Mic not working for intercom in internet explorer (IP2M-841W)

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Mic not working for intercom in internet explorer (IP2M-841W)

Post by taintedbloop »

Hello, I have had a model IP2M-841W for several months and I have quite liked it. However I have noticed recently that I have an issue that I never had before. When I press (hold down) the microphone button and speak, no sound comes out of the camera.

My microphone is working just fine with other programs, and I even tested it with the (extremely buggy and slow) chrome app, where the microphone does work (one time, then the app basically stops responding).

The microphone also seems to work on my tablet. The only thing it's not working on is internet explorer. I haven't changed any settings. I disabled my antivirus, and I put the IP of the camera in the "trusted" site list for IE. I tried reinstalling the activeX app. I have even reset all settings for IE, and even reinstalled it completely using an obscure windows setting. I can hear things through the speaker, but I just can't talk.

I have tried using my mic on other random websites with IE, and it seems to work, but only on sites that use flash for the microphone, where I get the flash popup beforehand asking for permission to use my microphone. I don't get that same popup since the IP camera isn't using flash for the interface. My mic is set as the default device, all others are disabled.

Nothing has worked. Can anyone help?
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