Event detection during day and night

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Event detection during day and night

Post by bartek74 »

I recently purchased IP2M-844E camera. It generally seems like a good product, but I am having issues with setting it up for motion detection. I am running into issues when I would like the camera to capture events during day and night. In daytime I set it up to have high sensitivity and low threshold, as there's plenty of light (signal) and not much noise. At night though, the same setting will cause a lot of false positives, since there's less light and noise is higher. I compensated by setting shutter to manual, reducing gain and lowering the contrast a little, but still -- daytime settings are too sensitive for it. Is there a way to switch event detection settings between day and night? For one, the sensitivities / thresholds need to be different to provide more reliable detection, but also the pattern of detection areas changes. If there is no such feature, is it possible to add it?

Thank you,
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