Can someone make a No-IP tutorial...

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Can someone make a No-IP tutorial...

Post by bigdawg86 »

I have been using the Quick DDNS for remote access for the last few months and it has worked great...until February 11th to be exact. Now I cannot remotely access my DVR from a web browser using the address. I know quick DDNS will forfeit an idle domain after 1 year but I am not even close to 1 year and I used it all the time. I made an account at quickDDNS but there website is slow and practically blank, there is nothing I have found to make a new domain. Nothing has changed on my router, switches, or port forwarding.

Setup initially via this video. Worked great on ANY network.

After not being able to reclaim my quickDNS domain, I changed to No-IP and got it working again.... or so I thought. From within my home network it worked great... but once I got on my work network couldn't connect. The only change was HTTP was changed to port 80.

Is there a tutorial on how to properly set up no-IP for those who quickddns forfeited their domain?

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Re: Can someone make a No-IP tutorial...

Post by bigdawg86 »

For those who are interested since nobody replied here...

Changing over to NO-IP was easy in hindsight, but I had to figure it out myself.
1.)Disable quickddns
2.)Make account with NO-IP. Write down your domain. DO NOT download the IP updater software.
3.)Input all your crap (domain, user, password) into the amcrest DVR using NO-IP from the dropdown menu.
4.) Under connection, TCP 37777, UDP 377778, HTTP 377776
5.) Under UpNp TCP 37777, UDP 377778, HTTP 80 (Not sure why 80 worked but 377776 didn't, but its working). Make sure port forwarding matches.
6.) you should now be able to access using
7.) use the same to add to the app
8.) DO NOT use the IP updater from NO-IP. Thats when I would get redirect issues.
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