So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

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So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello, I am looking for info on why people have the feeling that IP is the wave of the future and SO MANY PEOPLE say Analog is dead or almost dead. In fact a Company I won't mention any names banked on it so much they almost only carry IP cameras now and anyone with Analog belongs out with the Dogs. I just think they jumped on the wrong side of the Fence.

People please understand my VIEWS are just one persons Views I don't talk for anyone other then myself.

So you have a couple of Cameras and thought it was time to update your system so you want a NVR and better quality IP cameras because your Friends or Family has a NEW 4k system that looks amazing. However did you know that 4K IP isn't only 4K out there... Amcrest has a 4K HDCVI unit that may work with your BNC cables you already have installed. While I did say may only because you want good condition cables and connectors if there is going to be any Length between Camera and DVR. Yes DVR.

To ME... As I said TO ME>>>> Setting up a Dvr is much easier then setting up IP cameras... This brings me to a point of a few things that is BETTER for HD over BNC... First. If you want to take a cable from your home out to the barn 600 feet away from the house. Well that isnt going to be only 600 feet of cable you need, Say you need 700 with all the bends and up and downs you need to get out to the Barn. HDCVI no problem for 4k you can use RG59 500M that is over 1600 feet and if you want to use 720HD camera out at your Cabin down by the river at the edge of your property 2500 feet away you could do it without a Repeater.... IP camera POE or other wise make is just over 300 feet after that you need repeaters and extras. If your pulling new cable and use RG6 and your cabin at the river is 3500 ft away you could use 720P cameras and again IP can't go much over 300f with out extra equipment...

Plug it in and GO for DVR while a NVR with 8 cameras will take extra time to setup the Cameras and if you don't remember to set them to Static IP when you log in the next time your NVR can be goofed up. If they connect at all. However if not set to static and you had CH8 on your NVR set as your Living room with an area of the view masked because it goes to hallway that can see the bathroom when you turn it back on that camera may now be Camera 3 with no mask... That could be bad... However DVR you set them 1-16 when it goes on next time they are still 1-16 and all settings of mask and the such are still set the way you were wanting them...

Now if your only going to have a couple of cameras. Then sure maybe IP is the way to go. Just remember in most cases the DVR also has input for IP cameras as well. So you still might go for the DVR in later months or years and still be able to use the couple of IP cameras you have....

However if you buy NVR. You have a couple of Analog cameras that you love. You can still buy some extra equipment to use a couple with your NVR but isn't a Cheap thing to do TBH...

While I am looking for some info on what made you pick the System you have over another. Like why you picked IP cameras and NVR over a HD DVR system? What about your system do you like or don't like.

Do you like spending time behind the system trying to configure your IP cameras to work with your system or for you needs. Do you find that the Quality of a HDCVI system wasn't as clear as you thought it would or maybe have a different camera with better features and don't understand that a Camera in HD either IP or TVI,CVI or Ahd as some of the others out there... May look better because of something a camera offers that your might not. Or you might not know how to turn it on...

Not looking for people to Trash talk any Tech over another... Just looking for your input. Please no one trying to sell anything unless your offering Amcrest product links if it is a Tech that isn't on Amcrest please don't try and push a product. If you have say 6 Amcrest Cameras and 2 other products I would say stay with topic of I like Product B because of a Feature or setting that might not be in your other camera that don't mean it isn't offered in other Amcrest Cameras just might not have known or offered at the time. Maybe just don't have...

Much Respect and Keep it Calm. Your Thoughts?
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by bougti »

You could try doing a full update, or go into device manager and update it from there, if it says that it is the newest version, then there you go, if not it will update to the newest version.
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Techie007 »

IP cameras have a much better image quality that doesn't degrade and get noise in it the longer your cable is. The advantage of analog is that it still WORKS even as the signal deteriorates, whereas digital it just starts cutting out. But with digital, you have 100% image quality regardless of the length of the cable or electrical noise—until you reach the length limit. I will NEVER install an analog system. Did my last several years ago. Never again!
You can get over 300' out of Ethernet if you use shielded Cat 6 and run it at 10/100 Mbps. I like the ease of running a single, strong, easily spliceable/terminatable wire over running the flimsy analog stuff. On longer range scenarios, in reality most of the time the other buildings you're running cameras to will have power and maybe you'll even want more than one camera. The beauty of IP cameras is that you only have to figure out how to network the two buildings together—with one wire, to your second PoE switch. Then all those cameras only have to run to the Ethernet switch in that building (much shorter cable runs), and a single Ethernet wire (or wireless dish antennas) bridge the connection between the two buildings back to the NVR/main network.
Regarding the embarrassing "masking" issue you noted earlier, masking should be done in the individual IP camera's settings, not the NVR. That way, it will always mask correctly, regardless of anything else. Also, with IP cameras, the port you plug them into makes no difference—your NVR will be identifying the cameras via DHCP name or static IP. As long as the camera is connected to the network in some way and correctly identified, its image will always appear in its designated pane regardless of how it's connected—port 1 on the NVR, port 19 on the NVR, into your router, via WiFi, on an extender, etc.
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Z-Man »

I went with the IP system because of 2 reasons.
1. I work in IT. I'm very familiar with IP devices.
2. Picture quality. I compared analog systems with IP systems, I thought the IP systems looked better. We have an analog system at work, for which we contract Tyco. My IP system can run circles around that analog system.
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Yes in 2015 or 2016 that might have been the case.. However today there is no more BS about if you want higher MP camera your only Choice is IP... That used to be the deal... However with HD Over coax in the 8mp there are many many reasons that it might be the best way to go...

For someone upgrading from older CVBS system that used high quality BNC cabling and Connectors like most people did back in the day... Trying to keep the Good Quality picture from failing...

Ease of use for both the Home owner and Pros alike the setup of a HD over Coax is much faster and could cost less in most cases.... Not only in Hardware but installation as well....

Then there is no need to compete for IP addresses or have the ability to have many of them out there that someone might be able to Hack... 1 Ip On the DVR only 1 IP to make sure it isn't being hacked....

8mp 4k IP and BNC they are both there. I can tell you I can get a Buy as a Kit IP 4k system that under performs that of a 4k HD over Coax... And same can be said the other way as well... Most times buy all in 1 KIT is not the best Solution. It is great for areas that could use 1 set type of Cameras.. Then yes knowing your going to get a System with 4mm Lens 8 cameras positioned just right over 8 POS systems even though higher MM lens might be better if your install height is high...

I have some cameras that are OLD maybe even 540tvl I can't remember to be honest... That could out preform some high MP HD ip or HD over Coax cameras because they have ZOOM... Detail with Zoom is nice... I do have some 7mm to 70mm VF lens that could out preform most High MP cameras that only came with a 4mm lens or 3.6 or 2.8 as are lot of standard mm lens.. I have some 20x, 10x, 37x 22x zoom lenses. Some date back 10 years that may not be as nice at night as my 2mp 841 Amcrest camera but could still see some great detail at night...

Then we have the Whole I like to be able to have access to my camera over the cable lol... That isn't really a new thing... Just more cameras offer it now. So while most of my Older cameras required a pair of wires for RS-485 my HD over Coax has all the PTZ over the cable... SO now only need power and RG6 or 59 if good enough quality as it does matter...

Then there is 1 last thing that MOST don't know and for most Home owners don't care lol.. That is the Distance that your able to Move Video over Coax is much more then what you can over CAT cable of any Category #... Also we can even use Cat Cable for running our BNC HD systems...

Back some years ago my Brand N company I think banked on the Idea of IP being the ONLY player of HD cameras... They have not 1 offering of more then 4mp lol. Trimming the Website down to point of taking off all Legacy Products beside a few of the 3mp IP cameras on the page maybe a TVI camera or 2 but all older systems removed like they never had them lol....
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Z-Man »

The other thing to also consider is future integration. For example, to integrate the cameras into home automation (i.e. if you see this license plate, open the gate, etc...) Personally, I would not install an analog system nowadays. I know the manufacturers will try to string analog along as long as they can. But at some point, it will reach a limitation. If someone is starting from scratch, I would not recommend an analog system.
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

How Long you been in Security Systems? I have a DVR dated back to 2010 that I can use for many things. Home Automation that is not a new IDEA....

Lets just say this... I have a Camera High Speed Dome that has 7 Alarm Inputs and 3 out... This dome first Release was in 2009. I have the Updated version as well dated 2014. Sure a few things are Different but the Alarm inputs and out are still there... One of my DVR's has 32 Alarm inputs and 20 outputs... Before I moved to this home I had my old home setup with some Very High tech Ideas on Low Tech equipment... lol.. Heck even the Manufacture of these DVR's on the NVR's that came after only has 3 input and 1 out unless it is the 32ch then it has 16in and 4 out lol... Yeah Bought a Smaller house living in now days So I don't need all the High Tech things.. Don't have a gate on the Drive anymore..

AI isn't something thought about in IP camera times... I have 540tvl Cameras with AI, Line crossing, Item Removal and adding, AKA scene changing. With other high Tech things...

My dome camera one of the things I love about it. Un like some others, With all the Inputs it has I was able to setup 1 dome to monitor 360 with 3 PIR Alarm sensors. Sure I could have setup a Patrol and it would have scanned the area. But with the PIR the camera can be in North position and someone can come into the scene on the South to camera can't see behind it.. Speed Dome swings around to triggered position and scans area for movement. If there is some it will Track motion until gone... Returning back to its last function or home depending on what it was doing at the time... 37x Optical zoom. No you wouldn't only use that 1 camera for the area watched because there is always changes in the scene that could be missed if that is the cases. However the cool thing is between the camera and DVR's outputs you can turn on Lights, Open doors or Gates...

Also my HD over Coax system I have is the Strip model lol There is even a Higher end that yes can even do LPR Alarm triggering... That isn't something NEW. The One part that is or would be new is the Ability to take that one step forward. LPR and Make and Color Recognition.. Why because people already know about the LPR and will just steal your LP to get on your Property or open your garage and so on... So yeah that is OLD Tech slowly moving into IP tech with a few different spins lol...
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Z-Man »

My business is not security systems. My business is IT. I've managed security systems at various large companies over the years (25+ years). I would not consider myself an expert in all things security systems related. However, I do know, it's a tough sale to get a customer to go with anything analog over anything digital. It's nice to reminisce about the old days but the customer wants something affordable, reliable that will integrate with whatever new gizmo they might get down the road. Digital is what screams at them.
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Re: So you want to upgrade your old outdated system?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Great to get some Insight into the minds of others...

So you Car person or Fish person? Z man could be either as I have seen in both worlds lol... Z cars and some Fishing tackle. Owned some of Both lol...
Be Safe.
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