Amcrest Web View does not connect ?

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Amcrest Web View does not connect ?

Post by JorgeDamien »

Hi everyone:

I have been using Amcrest Web View (for Chrome, on Windows 10) to connect to my 3 Amcrest cameras. However, today, I could not connect to any of my cameras. I double checked my cameras' IP addresses -- they are correct.

Any tips / suggestions will be appreciated!
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Re: Amcrest Web View does not connect ?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the Forum

Sadly it is hard to say why all of a sudden 3 cameras will not connect again to WebUI...

You said you checked your IPs? Something you Wrote? Or OVer your Router? Couple things I wonder

Did you ever set your Cameras up with a Static IP or did you Rely on your Router to set IP and set Static in the Routing table I ask because there can be issues with such... Does your system have a Connection to the Internet and have your tried to access your cameras over the Amcrest View Pro app maybe had them setup P2p ?

So here is an issue that I had with a Friend of mine.. He set up his cameras and had set the up over a Wired connection. He then tested the system this way for a good while before he made the move to put them where he mounted them in his cabin before he went back home.. When he returned he was not able to connect to any of the cameras and that is because the IP that he had before isn't the IP of the camera now. He only setup Static over the Cable connection and nnot on Wifi connections.. Then he had to go back and make a connection to all the cameras to find get the IP address of the Wifi because his Router didn't have any info over its connected display other then what the IP was when he was connected over cable...

Also I set up a Camera on my router last month to be on Static IP and my Router would reject the idea for a good part of 2 weeks I never could understand why However after 4 Router resets and 10 or so camera Reboots the Router and camera seems to have it worked out that the camera IP will be at all times and over the last 4 reboots has been fine at that address...

It has been a while since I used any Ip tool for my cameras... But I would maybe get Amcrest IP tool and check to see if it reports IP address for your cameras other then what you have them marked down as... I think if I remember right that it also has the ability to even view the cameras off the software by clicking the browser icon at the end of the listing of each camera it finds... Just an Idea

Also just for gettings thing back working I would use the IE Browser for now unless all the cameras are on the 2019 JS FW then Chrome Browser wouldn't need the View app...
Be Safe.
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