IP8M-VB2696EW-AI - Can I use IVS and Smart Motion Detect at same time?

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IP8M-VB2696EW-AI - Can I use IVS and Smart Motion Detect at same time?

Post by JimmyFal »

I have searched this camera model on this forum and no one has posted anything about this camera.

This is a newer camera, and I am used to not being able to use IVS features and Smart Motion Detect simultaneously, because on all my other Amcrest Cameras if you enable the IVS Smart Plan, it DISABLES Smart Motion Detection, it actually unchecks the box for it.

I'm confused because on this camera, I am able to turn ON Smart Plan, and the checkbox for Smart Motion Detect stays on.

Does anyone know if this is by design on this camera? Only reason I don't just leave it on is I have never used IVS features, I have ONLY used Smart Motion Detect, and I'm unsure of how to test this I'd rather just get the official answer and go from there.

Thanks if you can.

PS, the 5x optical zoom on this thing is fantastic unfortunately I just realized that it can only zoom straight in. I'm not sure why I assume I would be able to move the zoom around a bit. It would be neat if they could make a semi-PTZ camera that could at least Pan and Zoom the field of view as opposed to a full 360 degrees or whatever.
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Re: IP8M-VB2696EW-AI - Can I use IVS and Smart Motion Detect at same time?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So I have some older AI cameras that are kind of setup as you are asking about with SMD or IVS as 1 or the other and not both. Then there are some of my other cameras that I paid little more for that is newer tech that in fact does have IVS and SMD and both work together and that was by design. If we look at the data sheet for the cameras that offer one or the other setup they will have lower ram and CPU ability where the other will have normally double in most cases of Ram and ROM and CPU is much better.

Now personally I don't use SMD in my IP cameras because this means that I have to enable Motion Detections and then I have to deal with weeding though unwanted recorded footage in my Micro SD or NVR's storage, While the SMD is good for setting up alerts so you only get the messages when a Human or a Vehicle passes by this don't stop the recording footage to record all motion even if it is a leaf or clouds that pass by. In my cameras that work well when i have IVS setup and turned on I don't have to worry about false alerts and or footage being recorded for things that I don't want it to reocrd for. I mean normally I have my NVR's recording important cameras on Sub channels for audio full time anyway..

About a Static camera with Zoom, it was really setup so the installer or end user would be able to get the camera in the area of interest mounted and fine tune to the zoom level to the right zoom level without having to keep messing with settings and or like in the case of my older VF cameras where I had to use a screw driver and remove the lens cap or in some of them would have the ability to adjust with pass though screws that could be turned from out side of the body of the camera. Then with the dome cameras the lens had to be removed and you take the risk of making the adjustment of zoom factor and focus to put the cap or lens back on to find it was no longer at the right focal point anymore..

Then they designed the Motorized VF lenses and then as I have said in another post there are cameras that even offer presets But not something without it being a very costly camera that one could have different motion detection areas. Some with presets offered do have the ability to change grid of detection zones.
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