Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

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Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by WildWilly »

Oftentimes, there is a significant delay (over ten minutes) from the time of a detected event on my AD410 until the SH app issues the notification on my phone. Has anyone else seen this and been able to solve it?
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by Revo2Maxx »

What type of phone are you using? That is odd because all of my Alerts are Instant and almost always before the Event even ends.

I will admit that I have at times had some phone issues where I get a message like I can't make a Phone call and after I restart my phone I get a bunch of alerts all at once. However outside of that rare event I get my alerts right away...
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by WildWilly »

Samsung Galaxy S22.

Even after the doorbell button is pressed, that notification has a slight delay, sufficiently so that I can't really respond to the button press and interact through the app.
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by WildWilly »

So, no thoughts on this.

Am I alone in experiencing AD410 notification delays of many minutes?

The delay varies. Could it be related to my home Wi-Fi mesh system (TP-Link Deco X55)? I have fixed the assignment of the AD410 to a single mesh router (i.e. no mesh switching) and set it as "high priority". The mesh routers are connected by LAN backhaul.

Can the AD410 notifications be tagged with time info to try to determine where in the chain from doorbell to smartphone the delay occurs?

Thanks for any help or ideas.
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay


I have a new Samsung phone as well with 40 minutes to one hour delay. Both the phone and doorbell are on the same wifi. I'll keep experimenting with my firewall to see if there is something causing the issue there. Presently, I get faster alerts through Synology Surveillance Station.
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by Oron »

Having the same problem with my AD410, it was working fine, till March when firmware update appeared and I installed it. It took away my use of ONVIF (Which was fantastic for 1:1 alert with Agent DVR) and then it took away my almost immediate phone alerts. Now, my alerts on movements and doorbell rings range from 5mins to like 40mins after the event.

I'll experiment with the 2 firmware versions on the site and see if it makes a difference. I was hoping the august update would fix the issues, but it hasn't.
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by WildWilly »

I continue to have the same app notification delay issue, as I have had for months. Receiving the notification of a doorbell press ten or more minutes after the event is, said politely, incredibly lame. It's most disappointing that no solutions are offered on this forum. Not even any real suggestions.
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by Mochanic »

My wife and I both have this issue with our Samsung S23's. Really regretting the whole Amcrest doorbells! (Yes we have 2... different locations and both have the same issue) The common factor is the garbage app!
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by Revo2Maxx »

I will admit that after my last Samsung update on my phone the notices only come when I wake up the phone. I tried looking in the Samsung settings page to turn back on the notices and couldn't find it. So now it works again as expected. What I had to do and isn't something I wanted to do seeing I have a Good Few devices that I had to re install into the app. But I removed the SH app, I rebooted my phone and I installed the SH app again and now I get the notices even when my phone is sleeping as I expect it too..
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Re: Amcrest SmartHome App Notification Delay

Post by WildWilly »

Thanks for that suggestion. I had been in contact with the Amcrest Escalation team and we worked through several things to try to improve it. They thought the high internet latency (sometimes over 500 milliseconds) was the likely culprit. Fortunately my ISP improved the latency to less than 50 milliseconds and the issue persisted, so Amcrest issued an RMA and I installed a new/replacement doorbell. I had asked what latency was needed and was told it needed to be better than 100 milliseconds. I had my doubts about it being a hardware problem, but I went along with replacing the doorbell.

I haven't been using the new doorbell very long (a few days) but I have seen at least one instance of a seven-minute delay from trigger to notification. I'm only using the app's human detection, not motion detection. I'll explore whether using motion detection only makes a difference since motion detection is likely a simpler algorithm. So I'll try your suggestion to uninstall the SH app, reboot, reinstall first.
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