AD110 with old firmware?

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AD110 with old firmware?

Post by seanhagen »

I bought an AD110 and got it all installed ( after lots of annoyances before figuring out the device password can't have any symbols ).

However, the SmartHome app shows the doorbell as "offline". I can't see the live view through the app. I'm able to look at the device info in the app though, and the firmware version is Eng_V_V1.000.00AC003.0.R.20191113 . I'm guessing that's firmware from November 2019. When I click on the firmware version in the app though, it just says "Query failed" after a short period of time.

Is there an easy way to upgrade the firmware somehow, or do I need a replacement device with newer firmware?
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Re: AD110 with old firmware?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the Forum

So I am going to guess one of a few different things needs to happen.. 1 the device needs to be setup on a Network that is connected to the Internet with a Good up and down load speed. This connection needs to be good if it is to far from the Router moving the camera temp to setup FW is a must if not a good solid connection..

Seeing the Device was from 2019 it is a good chance that it has the very first FW installed if you bought this new.. Installing the AD110 it needs a connection to Wifi of 2.4 and not a 5g system, Needs a good solid power source, if the power is not stable trying to do a Update could BRICK the camera.. Also doing an update at night when extra power might be needed isn't a safe idea...

Powering camera on first time, Press the button to turn on the Wifi Hotspot, setup the camera to the Amcrest Smart Home app.. It needs to be setup using the Smart home app.. Once you open smart home app, click on the + then scan the doorbell cameras QR code, and follow the prompt. Once you get the system connected and your network has a Internet connection on the app it should show that there is a new FW and will ask you to update.. Day time full power to camera choose to update and things should be good once updated...

Please note don't make any changes from any 3rd party software or even changes from IP config Tool as it can Brick the device or at least make you do a Factory Reset...
Be Safe.
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