How to connect to an already registered device??

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How to connect to an already registered device??

Post by FadedOak »

I recently moved into a house (renting) that has an amcrest system (that was here before the landlord bought it afaik), and when I scan the QR code on the DVR/NVR thing, it gives me the menu to give it a name & log in and all, but doesn't work. I don't know if I'd have to input the info the previous owners did, or if there'd be a way to gain access without it. I don't know if the landlord has that information already, or if they'd be able to contact the previous owners for it, but I'm hoping to be able to find a way to access it and still be able to access old footage, at least from the past few days, cause something funny happened that was caught on the cameras.
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Re: How to connect to an already registered device??

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So a few things. One seeing you are not the home owner and or the owner of the DVR/NVR it would be a bad Idea to give anyone that is a renter access to the Recorder. That is the whole reason to own a Security Camera system is for the Security of the home owner and owner of the device.

However with that said, When you scan the top and you using the app are prompted to setup *you are setting up the app to the device* So you would need to have access to the DVR/NVR password. Then what to do, Well if the DVR/NVR was setup on a different Router then what it is connected to now, my guess is that it would fail anyway seeing the IP address for the device might be different then the local ip address of the home at this time and that means there is no internet access to the device.. So connecting a TV or monitor to the HDMI or D-Sub, Using a mouse to put in a Pattern and or put in the password. It would be easier to use a Pattern to crack it just keep in mind when it locks you out you will need to disconnect power and let it come back online and try again.. I always start with the easiest first. 1 in each of the 3 locations, 7 L Z 2 and remember for every normal letter or number there are 4 different ways or more to add them. For instance. 7 has way more different ways to make a 7 because you can pass dots like from top right to bottom left without using the center. Then you can make the top without using the center. When I say different ways I mean from top to bottom it is a square so someone could have made a 7 using the bottom left, pass center left to top left, then center and bottom right however could have left out the center center as well.. So there are many ways to make digits on the Amcrest device..

In context, 3x3 grid normally there is like 389,112 distinct patterns that you could use, However that is without the ability to skip the dots between so with the Amcrest DVR/NVR it is or could be more complex because you can skip the dots between 2 dots..

What type of device is it? If it is a DVR then it will have BNC silver connecters on the back of the DVR. If it is a NVR then it would have Ethernet cables connected to the NVR. This might be multi Ethernet cables and then it would be a POE NVR or it might only have 1 ethernet cable and in that case it is a Standard NVR, All the IP cameras if they are still on the house may have normal admin admin if POE NVR. If normal NVR then passwords for the cameras would need to be setup in the NVR and if they have different passwords it might be that the cameras would need to be reset as well.. Best would be a DVR then only 1 password would have to worry about and no worry about having to reset the cameras back to factory like you would if NVR with IP cameras..
Be Safe.
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