One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

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One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So today is a day that I will admit that I don't like the idea of Blue Iris as the only means of camera recorder. You see one of the biggest issue with me and lets even say ASP is that you need your computer to be online full time. Now This computer I am using I will admit was my older gaming machine that I have replaced to newer model. Anyway so about a week ago now I noticed my Cooler fans are starting to rattle and checking my CPU temps have started to get up to 78c and I have it setup to shut down on anything over 80c. I notice since I ordered new fans that the system has shut down a couple of times mostly when doing LP reading in Bi. So now today I got the new Cooler fans for my water cooler but now I have to take the computer apart and make the repairs that will take a good chunk of time doing seeing have to take front and back covers off, have to remove routed wires to the LED controller and all the other nice things that need to be done. Then remove the fans from the 240mm radiator install new fans and route wires for power and LED's again and cleaning up the install. Worse part I am almost thinking about changing out the Cooler for another one I have for the 10700 and that is because I am not 100% sure that the Pump is working right. Stats for pump says it is a 2800 RPM yet my MB says it is running over double that on large loads or if I set control to full speed. So either the AIO specs for the pump is wrong or my MB is not displaying the right speeds and that bothers me.

Fan goes out for the DVR/NVR it is like 10 min max time to replace it. Some machines don't even use a Case fan.

Yes I know my GPU fans are showing off that is because I am not doing anything that is requiring cooling and they are off until the GPU heats up. They come on 1 and a time so even it can show only one on if not needing both to cool. Just saying before someone was to point this out to me..
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Pogo »

Naysayers are just gonna keep on naysayin', I guess. LOL

Any mission critical surveillance system worth 2 cents has redundancy. BTW, very few such core systems are built on water-cooled game boxes!

Many BI servers are built on business class SFF workstation platforms that are very simple and very reliable and very compact-- and why a large segment of the business and medical sector use them -- by the millions. They're also available very, very cheap these days with backup parts available everywhere and can be completely rebuilt from the chassis up in 10 minutes. A spare power supply is 10 bucks.

But I agree, Blue Iris, (as with any higher end surveillance system) should have backup.

That's what DVRs/NVRs are for. ;-)
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Ok I wouldn't call my self a Naysayer but yeah ok I guess if me trying to let others with an idea of using a older Gaming PC to use as the only device to record the CCTV cameras.. However I consider myself as a Realist.

I am just trying to say what the down side of using PC over a Purpose USE Recorder for recording camera footage..

I mean I have talked up Bi and things that I like. I mean as I have said I do have a LRP that works well and does things that I wish that Bi would do with as little effort but it don't. Bi does read plate yes. However not without more programming and tweaking and use of GPU and so on. Well you get the idea.

Anyway. Bi does have it's good uses for people that want to play around and tweak things over time to make things work. Or spend even more money on a ANPR or LPR that has even more features built in, Like ability to open a gate on Vehicles that have been added to White list, Set off alarms on Vehicles that have been Black listed. I mean sure you can add extra things to Bi and do the same thing but again talking about buying a camera that has it built in and already programmed just need to turn it on..

I will admit Bi has grown on me some but for someone that wants to setup and be done with it in very little time then nothing better then the right camera or DVR/NVR will out pace every time. IMHO..

Here is from one of my Plate cameras from Hikvision. Still looking to secure the Amcrest one at some point.
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Pogo »

Back to apples and oranges again.

How long did it take you to learn your hardware and acquire the next level knowledge and experience to use all of it to its current potential?

Probably just a little tweaking and playing around along the way, too? (and still is?)

We don't learn any of it over night. Blue Iris can be as simple or complicated as one makes it. The latter seems to be the rule for most folks who want to bypass the fundamentals and immediately draw trip wires and create intrusion zones that can detect a guy running through their back yard waving a license plate in the air with absolutely no clue whatsoever. Then they poo poo it because it's not as simple as taking a selfie with an iPhone.

I strongly agree that it's not for everyone.
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Yeah I made the mistake of Updating Bi today and since I made the update in both Bi and Code Project AI, Yes I re enabled all the things that I had enabled before it is no longer recording AI and even in the Trigger page for the cameras there is no longer a AI area to make sure that it is enabled and working lol. Wow. Yeah Yeah Updated the Fan and thought seeing it was offline to do that I would update Bi and the Ai now I am back to no longer recording events. Funny thing is there are many canceled alerts in that area but not 1 Alert has been confirmed and posted to my display. Geez.
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Pogo »

I warned you!

A rollback to the previous version often fixes everything.

The other option is to try to repair/regenerate the database (or delete and reconstruct) by opening the clip viewer -> right click on a clip -> scroll to the bottom of the menu box and click 'Database' for the options. This can often clean uo a hosed upgrade -- provided the desired files from the previous installation still exist in storage. 'Delete and Regenerate' obviously does what it sounds like it does.
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Ok well I am going to go back to the last Stable Ver and hope that cures it. If it don't it is ok all events are still recorded just left in Canceled alerts area. if there is an event I need I will find in there until it starts to work right. Hope it is not an issue with Code Project Ai because not sure if it is as easy to revert back. I did try to fix data base first but no change in it now working.
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Pogo »

Your best bet is to go back to your last version.

BTW, I noticed several posts about the latest upgrade breaking everything. And CPAI and BI upgrades aren't always in sync as has been widely documented (and lamented).

That's the main undesirable aspect of BI. Upgrades are always a crapshoot due to so many variables -- including oversights by the developer.

"If it ain't broke..."
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Revo2Maxx »

LOL yeah for sure. Don't Fix it Got it... After this mess It will be long pass due before I upgrade again lol. Now to get it to work right. Even going back it isn't working right.. Geez. At least the AI is back in the Trigger box now to get it to work again. What a PITA
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Re: One reason I don't like Bi as stand alone recorder..

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Well it isn't 100% yet as it is Taxing my CPU 100% now every time again. Geez But Starting at 227pm EST I started getting the alerts again and have since had 3 that showed up of cars that went by so it is again almost working. Do they ever force an update. I am just tired of seeing the dumb box keep coming up saying there was an update. So I was like update then so I could get rid of it lol.. Anyway keep trying to get it back to what it was before I made mistake.

For me I thought Ok just got done replacing Fans. That had down time so I might as well Update CP and Bi seeing that is going to be down time and get it all out of the way.

Leason Learned..
Thank you for Info..
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