Really, Really dumb question?

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Really, Really dumb question?

Post by KMA701417 »

Okay, I have spent/wasted several hours attempting to search this forum for subjects I felt fairly sure would have already been addressed.
Ah? I have one question. :?: What are people in this forum regularly discussing that the search engine returns this message? :shock:

"The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: tangerine kumquat"

Now why would I run a search for those two completely obscure items in this forum?
After seeing this message at least a 100 times for all my other attempts at searching I decided to try bizarre, unique, and random words only to receive the same results. So I tried three(3) terms in my queries only to receive "your search returned no results try using fewer terms" which just brings me back to message above. What ever?
So I guess I'll just try posting my questions even if they have been answered many times before, or not.
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Re: Really, Really dumb question?

Post by Pogo »

The forum is still licking its wounds from a major server crash and burn due to lack of basic maintenance a few months ago. The fact that your registration even succeeded is a good sign..., or maybe not. LOL

Your best bet for finding stuff here (or in most forums) is still going to be Google with few exceptions.

Otherwise, do you have a legitimate question?
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Re: Really, Really dumb question?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

For what it is worth. Google Bot is one of the biggest crawlers on the forum. When people say google is your Friend. Maybe a good area for searching for your problem. I know that I get same type messages that you have here when I look up some of my own post from years past. Yet if go into Google search and look, I normally find the post I was looking for without trouble.. Now most of the searches I have done in Google return results on the first page normally. At times there might be other forums that have same type topic that might be in top position. Like doing a search for AD410 Chime Kit Replacement. Amcrest forum will load first. however with AD410 Chime Kit using relay reddit or some other forum will come up first and within the page amcrest forum will be there. Now if it is something only Amcrest carries and not an issue that is common I found Amcrest would be only one that comes up..
Be Safe.
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