Ok so I will try again lol

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Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So installed BI again. I can't help people with amcrest devices on BI if I don't own it. So it's not going to be my goto but thought I would open and setup some things for testing. Also installed Codepeoject for testing.
I am running this on computer listed below.
Asus ROG i7 7700, 16gb ram 1050 graphics.might be 1650 don't remember to lazy to look lol.
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So far a few cameras setup
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So I have not given up, But I can say that paying what you pay for the Software and trying to setup the system to work as one wants to work. Right away without a lot of tweaking with settings and making changes and having to just keep playing with thing and that to make it do 1 simple thing and that is record when there is an event. Either using AI, BI Motion or however you want to play around to make it work just isn't that easy.

I mean have it running in the background so I can start the computer and it will load with P AI, I have setup a few cameras and want them to work with built in camera and it really don't seem like that is something it wants to do.

I mean if we take for instance my 7108 and Reset the DVR back to factory, I turn on device after setting up new password and answer a few questions, I adjust the Motion area. I setup IVS for my rules and then I setup the Display for AI. Then Boom everything that triggers one of the rules leaves a image and the camera that triggered the event records the video to the DVR's HDD. There is no funny business of settings things in 10 to 30 different tabs and still don't get it to work like the issue in BI lol. I mean as of right now it is Night time and BI has been known to not work so well in the Night time. Oddly I had 20 events in one of the channels that has not recorded anything in that channel since the very first recorded event after setting up the camera.

So let me just say it like this for now. Setting up 4 cameras on my 7108 after a Reset took less then 10 for the way I wanted it setup to record. Setting up 2 cameras in BI not sure they are ready for service.

About my Computer, I was running different software on it before getting the BI code for my install, I DL and installed Win10 Home (Thought this one I had installed Pro but seems I had Home on it) Because it was Registered with MS I just installed the same version I had on it before I put on Ubuntu on it. So what I am saying is that the Computer is a Fresh install of MS Win10 and fresh install of BI Licensed. In the time it took me to setup the computer and BI I could have setup my 7108, 4216E-AI, 4116E-HS and 4108E-HS with all cameras loaded and setup dumping footage to the Recorders and only 4 evens showing on my computer in BI..

So I am committed to staying with trying to setup BI. Maybe even setup my LPR with it just to see if BI will work with a camera that is setup for only capturing plates day and night with perfect settings out of the box.. My LPR isn't anything to the one that Amcrest sells. So if you need a camera that can pull plates and capture the driver and passenger then be sure to Check out the Amcrest ANPR camera they offer. It is no TOY of a camera..
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So yeah there is some missing info from this install. I think I might have to re install it or do something to make all packages that I have installed to work. It might be because my Computer keeps doing Windows Updates. So after a few days of being online and tweaking some things I will get a better idea of what is missing and what needs to be removed and added back. Also oddly all cameras that I have installed with Amcrest Format even Dahua format has been changed to Generic lol.. I mean good news is the PTZ works on the cameras that are PTZ so that is good. Can't seem to find the custom models that are from the AI even though I have installed them.
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Pogo »

Stick with it. You'll eventually be glad you did.

As I've mentioned before, comparing a Blue Iris server setup to a NVR is apples and oranges all day long. It's not for someone wanting a lazy man's quick and dirty out of the box plug and play surveillance system. But it sure can enhance one given the understanding of how to go about it.

I can add 4 different brand cameras to Blue Iris in a matter of a few minutes. Customizing each one's functionality depends on what you want it to do..., which is just about anything you would want it to do after knowing where to go in Blue Iris for the settings. That's where the effort starts..., and where the rewards are realized once you know your way around a bit more. It can take a $15 ZOSI analog camera and turn it into a dedicated AI and plate recognition camera once you know how to do it.

There is no comparison between the flexibility of Blue Iris and a NVR. None. So quit trying! LOL

BTW, that PC should be fine. Mine is only an i7 4790, but is using less CPU (17% average) for 20 cameras than yours is for 4. Some tweaking and you'll be fine. And schedule the Windows updates for every 30 days and do them manually. It shouldn't interfere with anything. And if running BI as a service (as you should be anyway) it will usually accommodate Windows updates with out issue.

There are some real good Blue Iris YouTubers. Watch their stuff. Pick one and stick with the channel for a few different episodes before just hopping around from channel to channel thinking you'll learn anything that way. And as you're likely aware already, there's more bad advice than helpful on one of the other more popular forums. Some great knowledge over there, but finding it through the haze of BS and condescending attitude of the cut and paste crowd can be difficult and usually not worth the effort.

I'm hardly an expert and I know what I don't know. I do know most people who put down Blue Iris seem to have never spent enough time to learn even a fraction of what it could do for them, or it was simply over their heads and they needed to rationalize their own shortcomings by claiming BI isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'm glad to see you giving it another chance. I'm more than happy to help wherever I can to help ease the frustration if nothing else. LOL
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Pogo »

And boy did the priced go up! Yikes.
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Yeah I don't know. It to more trouble then it is worth.

To be honest, I would rather buy a NVR or a DVR with or without AI because to be honest it just works. Lets say it like this.. My 7108-AI DVR while it isn't perfect by any means it works 95% out of the box.

So Last night after removing all my cameras and setup just 1 and setup for SMS messages you can see in the Log here that I was able to get SMS however that was after going all night without one message. I remove the AI module from being setup and I get motion only alerts without an issue. However I Re-install the AI mods and even though looking in the AI server info says they are running looking in the logs they errored and are really not running even though the server says they are..

I removed them all. Installed them all this time trying to without my GPU as a factor and still errors for no reason.

So then you have to ask yourself, How much tweaking do you want to do? I mean I can turn off the AI again and I will get SMS alerts again via Motion but I can get that now with my DVR NVR via puah notices.

For the cost and the headache of not knowing what the error is or why I am back to being happy with an out of the box working solution of my 7108-AI or my 4216E-AI that both work as expected out of the box.

I have not gave up as you don't buy software and give up to fast lol. Plus I am a BULL and Red Head and don't give up to easy on much.. However I do have a Tipping point lol..
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Pogo »

You're back to comparing BI with your DVRs. STOP IT! LOL

In the case of someone like you with multiple systems and complicated multi-cam setups, adding BI to the mix shouldn't be viewed as a replacement for any of it. It should be viewed (and used) as an additional complimentary support piece to the entire picture. And you're trying too much too soon, again comparing it to how you do stuff with your current hardware.

Examining the system and clearing out the unnecessary Windows crap is the first thing to do. Set Blue Iris to run as a service on boot and then just access it via remote desktop or direct display. UI3 is a great and powerful webUI, but way too clunky for serious management, at least IMHO.

Ditch the GPU in favor if the QuickSync built into the i7. Make sure 'Intel' is selected as the default hardware acceleration under 'Cameras' in the main Blue Iris settings. (You can change that per camera if desired, but it will be the default so you don't have to enter it for each camera added.) Your 7700 should handle everything including h265 encoding in its sleep. BI is designed around the Intel hardware acceleration anyway.

Camera video compression should be set to 'Direct-to-Disk' and File Format set to 'Blue Iris DVR (BVR) in the Record settings of individual cameras. This is where you conserve CPU horsepower and increase disk efficiency.

Disk management is up to you. Defaults are a good start depending on whether you're just recording events or running 24/7. Tons of flexibility for file and disk management light years beyond any DVR. (Sorry. couldn't help it. LOL) You could set up specific configs for individual or collective cameras from any of your remote sources way above and beyond any of your particular DVRs/NVRs.

Deepstack and CodeProject AI are very powerful tools and can get complicated quickly if you try too much too soon with either. I've been using Blue Iris for over a year and haven't scratched the surface, nor have I tried to force results that were unobtainable simply due to my inexperience. (hint, hint!) You have much more experience in that area and will progress quickly I'm sure. Just understand it can tell the difference between a dog and a cat and in some cases what color your hair really is!

Anyway, stick with it. Your $$$ investment is already there. Your time investment (and patience) is where the real value lies.
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Revo2Maxx »

h.265 isn't even offered in the Bi that I see anywhere.. When I added my h.265 camera it auto forces it into h.264h format. When I look at the Encoding h.265 isn't even listed. ON any of the cameras that I added..

I do have it setup for a Service and same with Code AI. I have been using the WebUI from another computer.

About HDD management. While it might be as you think light years from my DVR my NVR with dual HDD has some really cool settings where I can choose where to put images and recorded footage and even events if I wanted.

Issue is that for some reason Code AI is erroring out. Outside of that I have had no issue with the Install of Bi and the Use. Just Code AI is not playing well. I have broke it down to I might need to Reformat and setup again. I don't want to do this because I have all the Windows updates done and that would all have to be done yet again.

Brings another reason that for me anyway. Bi, isn't something as easy as I know I am going to say it. My DVR/NVR because if I needed to Reset my Recorder the software is installed and ready to go as soon as it is done. One of my Main reasons I don't promote and or like Software based systems like Bi, There is way to much that can go wrong. Have to play out all issues where a One and done DVR/NVR has all that taken care of before it was sold. Most of the updates are good and sure like my 7108 not playing well with my new 5mp camera is just a Minor issue where it don't cause issues with being able to use another camera that works well to record in the place of one that was setup in the wrong format. But still working..
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Re: Ok so I will try again lol

Post by Pogo »

BI records the raw stream in direct-to-disk mode which is what you should be using. The cameras determine the encoding, not BI. You will also just be recording the substream in continuous recording mode unless specified otherwise or when a trigger activates recording of the main stream.
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