NVR4108E-HS what is DHCP used for

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NVR4108E-HS what is DHCP used for

Post by brucewol »

I'm having trouble trying to get my above nvr configured the way i would like it, particularly allowing direct web access to my cameras attached to the poe ports. Have some other posts active that are more general so want this post to deal with just dhcp on the nvr. With DHCP off, the cameras are put in 10.1.1.xxx and work okay from the nvr. I tried to turn dhcp on thinking that then my router would assign ip's to the cameras and simply connecting to the router would allow web access to the cameras, but when i turn dhcp off the nvr, default gateway, subnet mask all go to not a network guru but pretty sure that is not right. so and how is the dhcp on/off toggle in the nvr designed to work. my firmware is V4.000.AC000, the latest.
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Re: NVR4108E-HS what is DHCP used for

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Intranet is your LOCAL AREA NETWORK and from your Post I gather you understand this..

Sadly I am not sure there is anyone here that will have the info your looking for to offer freely..

Maybe seeing it isn't really related to the NVR and rather related to Networking you might find someone in a Networking forum that might be able to give you some info about what you can do.. There is no easy Flip this and press that button and your up and running there are people that get paid good money to setup Networks for people.. Main thing I would work on first to be honest Turn on your Virtual Host make sure you can even Access your Cameras from the front side of your own personal network before you try and setup a Forwarding for outside your network access..

To be Fair and for fast and easy access to your cameras though the NVR would be to access your NVR over P2P and use your Cell phone to access your NVR and view your Cameras to keep an eye while your away and do Configurations from your local area network... Outside of this there are many things that could be needed to get what your asking for in play.. This could be a NEW ROUTER, Network Switch, and installing Tunnel software or Putty and make a tunnel there are many different factors and outside the normal scope of Amcrest Forums
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Re: NVR4108E-HS what is DHCP used for

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Also incase you are wondering where your other post has gone.. After I seen this post and seen your other post was same question but with wrong NVR in the listing I figured you were trying to fix your question for the right title and your other one with the wrong title and my Reply has been Removed from the Forum
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Re: NVR4108E-HS what is DHCP used for

Post by brucewol »

thank you for your response. perhaps i wasn't clear enough. i have an adequate understanding of what dhcp is and how it is used in networking. my question was how it is used specifically in the nvr. the dhcp is an on/off toggle, similar to what you see in routers. i tried various alternatives and some how ended up with the nvr having all zero's for the ip address, subnet mask and default gateway. my thinking was that by turning off dhcp as you do in cascading routers you could make the cameras obtain it's ip address from the gateway router. if it was labeled static/dhcp, like it is in the cameras, it would have been clearer how it is used.

for virtual hosts - when you click on it, you get the message "When virtual host is enabled, extranet will have access to intranet". in the manual, the field is shown but there is no description of it. I could not find anything that this switch did, on or off. and it did not help me in fining a way to directly access the cameras web interface.
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Re: NVR4108E-HS what is DHCP used for

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Sorry Only know very little about Virtual Host of Amcrest.. DHCP is just that turning on and off the NVR's Static IP.. That clicked your NVR will pickup a OPEN IP from your Router.. When you check that off your system will wait for your input of your IP you desire.. I am going to guess that going to is a issue for your model year or FW that is installed.. Most times I have seem some of my machines... Some of mine goes back to the Default IP of like or something like that that kind of IRK's Me because it was already set almost the way I wanted it without the last number like maybe my DHCP Router gave it but I wanted a Static IP of so I could have just entered the 240 and called it a day but after that I have to put it all in along with Subnet, Gateway and such... All of my machines have the DCHP option only a couple didn't change out what was already there...

About the Virtual Host.. Please forgive me if I happen to say something that is wrong I am only going by how one of my other branded NVR is... It is a 16ch NVR with 8 POE ports.. When I turn on Virtual Host, I can from outside my NVR's back end access my cameras by typing in my nvrs IP then it will if I turn it on give 8 Port numbers.. So right now if I wanted to look at my Camera on channel 6 even from here because I have it setup for letting me access my IP over my Normal ISP ip and the Port.. I would type in my Routers WAN IP that really is setup from my Router with a Name, followed by the Port #65006 and yes if you assumed that the port numbers are for my system 65001 though 65008 for my 8 POE ports that is how I access though from the front side...

So for Amcrest, I am going to guess that it is setup the same of some sorts.. Connecting from Lan it would be in my case

However in my Router I have it setup to use a Name that was setup for me from my provider, it lets me go to my provider domain with the name in front like yourname.provider.com:65006 and because my provider and my router are setup together to work with each other my router and the provider ping each other to keep track of my Real IP so when I type that yourname.provider.com:65006 it knows where to make the connection..

My guess is that the Amcrest Virtual Host works the same way.. Sadly my 2116-HS and 4108h don't need one, my 4108E don't have one and any of the other systems linked to Amcrest don't have one or need one because most my system use Front side IP cameras...

To be Honest, there are so many things that your NVR can already access and make changes to the POE cameras.. I know that for safety I prefer my IP cameras be behind the NVR it is like another line of Defense.. All the Camera Hackings going on having a load of IP on the front side without some type of Firewall could mean bad actors are messing around within your network of cameras listening in or watching your every move..
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