Email over Push Notices

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Email over Push Notices

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Ok so I have been working on some things for a few message I have had about why I prefer Push over Email and I will admit there might be a benefit to someone with a IP camera without a Micro SD card to have the notices going to Email rather than using Push Notices.

I can't say that this works in all cameras. However in testing the camera and NVR using Push in the NVR (removed Micro SD) in the camera and sending Email's from camera I do get a Snapshot even without there being a card installed. (I can't say this works in all cameras this way)

Next there is another reason that someone might want to use Email over Push Notices and I am going to guess is the main reason that someone would want to use it, That is because you can have it send email from one of a few different IVS rules if your camera is a AI camera and lets say you have your system setup with 3 or 4 different AI rules in an area. However you want to have backup of only 1 of them rules this is something you can do with email. When it comes to Notices on the Phone App yeah it is IVS as a whole not just 1 of the multi rules you have set.

However doing testing I still stand on my preference of Push Notices over Email just because of the speed of the notices.

Also it seems that Emails while I might get an Image without having a Micro SD installed there seems to be a delay on when that snapshot is taken compared to when and what images I get from Push notices with a Micro SD installed.

Now in some cameras or recorders there might be nothing about images at all. In that case your push notices would be best as video or live and still better option for me in my testing because the event is from the start of the event and not later point in time like the emails are. Now granted the camera view is of my street and other areas where the event might be of a person at the front door or back deck an Image in email might be ok.

1 last thing in favor of Email, If there are other people that you want or need to have access to the images on the fly even if away from the home.

One last thing against the idea of Email is if your camera is like some of mine where you not only get the event with the image but you get an ending email as well this can cause you to burn up email space if you are on a metered email account. Seeing I get over 500 cars a day on my road. One camera would not only leave the start with the image but also sends an email for the end of the event.
Be Safe.
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